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Inspire Maths - Textbook Project

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Presentation on theme: "Inspire Maths - Textbook Project"— Presentation transcript:

1 Inspire Maths - Textbook Project
Lena Shete St Helen’s Primary Ipswich Sandra Rennison Holbrook Primary Ipswich How are we using the text books?

2 The principles behind using textbooks…
Helps children to be more confident with maths Uses robust structures – based on best-practise principles and methods Systematic processes Uses concrete, pictorial and abstract Leads to deep understanding for all children Supported by research

3 The success…. Manipulatives Variation Improved reading skills
Learning is obvious to see- good for assessment! Fast paced- within lessons You decide when to move on! Well structured and planned Accessible to all children Individual books

4 Discussion points….. Supporting some children’s reading
Interactive Smart notebook files so that the pages from the books could be manipulated Language on the children’s workbooks Training children

5 Any questions?

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