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Continuum of Care Metropolitan Homelessness Commission

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Presentation on theme: "Continuum of Care Metropolitan Homelessness Commission"— Presentation transcript:

1 Continuum of Care Metropolitan Homelessness Commission
Recommendations for a Homelessness Continuum of Care Planning Council

2 Where We’ve Been Conversations since 2015
Engagement with Cloudburst since Nov 2016 Let’s Date – June 2017 Task Force has been meeting since July 2017

3 Recommendations Moving from our current dual governance models to a single planning council model A new entity built upon the current charter of the COC, ensuring we are consistent with federal requirements including HUD Put into ordinance by Metro Council thereby solidifying the city’s commitment

4 Recommendations The CoC and its membership remain the same with MHC incorporated into the single entity. It has committees and a governance board (called the Planning Council Governance Board)

5 Recommendations The Planning Council Governance Board would consist of: 25 Members 12 elected by the membership, 3 with lived experience 8 are appointed by the Mayor 3 Council members appointed by Vice Mayor 2 Metro Department reps who serve as co-chairs of Interdepartmental Council - non voting

6 Homelessness Continuum of Care Planning Council
Relational Model CoC Membership Homelessness Continuum of Care Planning Council

7 Participate in CoC Committees of the CoC and the community
Responsibilities Homelessness Continuum of Care Membership Responsibilities Approve Governance Charter and By-laws Elect Planning Council Members Elect Collaborative Applicant and HMIS Lead Participate in CoC Committees Homeless Continuum of Care Planning Council Responsibilities Determine general policies Guide the improvement strategies of the CoC and the community

8 Core Concepts of New Model
Each committee’s role is where the work is done Governance’s role is to oversee the work, determine general policies and guide the improvement strategies of the CoC and the community

9 Recommended Timeline November 2017 Present to MHC and COC
December 2017: Draft Ordinance. Identify potential CoC charter amendments Ongoing conversations with key stakeholders

10 Recommended Timeline January 2018
Both MHC & COC vote (board and membership) to support intent Charter amendments finalized If approved to move forward….

11 Recommended Timeline … if approved to move forward: February 2018
Commission vote on draft ordinance COC Governance vote to take charter amendments that adopt Planning Council to membership COC Membership vote on charter amendments contingent on new ordinance passing Metro Council

12 Recommended Timeline March 2018 Presentation to Metro Council
Ordinance filed Transition plan created April 2018 New Board named May 2018 Transition begins

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