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Galaxy feedback in 3D Roberto Maiolino. Feedback is the key: - reducing SF efficiency (gas heating+turbulence) - removing baryons Discrepancy between.

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Presentation on theme: "Galaxy feedback in 3D Roberto Maiolino. Feedback is the key: - reducing SF efficiency (gas heating+turbulence) - removing baryons Discrepancy between."— Presentation transcript:

1 Galaxy feedback in 3D Roberto Maiolino

2 Feedback is the key: - reducing SF efficiency (gas heating+turbulence) - removing baryons Discrepancy between halo mass functions and stellar/baryons mass function

3 Star formation feedback SNe Radiation pressure Photoionization Turbulence Velocity dispersion AGN feedback Quasar mode Radio mode Blast wave Radiation pressure (Q>1)

4 Star formation feedback SNe & radiation pressure driven outflows

5 Herschel PACS M82 velocity field velocity dispersion galaxy rotation turbulent outflow X-rays (Chandra) NIR NGC 253 H X-rays CO~170 km/s (ALMA) M out ~ 1-2 SFR. Contursi+13, Kreckel+14 Bolatto+13 PAH (Spitzer) [CII]158um (Herschel) The importance of tracing outflows in multiple phases

6 Investigating outflows as a function of M * and SFR (breaking the M * -SFR degernarcy) 160,000 SDSS galaxies sorted into 50 bins in the M * - SFR parameter space Lowest M * 2 x 10 7 M Lowest SFR 2 x 10 -3 M yr -1 Cicone+14 Main Sequence

7 7 THE LINE-OF-SIGHT VELOCITY DISTRIBUTIONS [OIII] Hα+[NII] STARS v [km/s] Trends with M * at a fixed SFR Cicone+14

8 8 THE LINE-OF-SIGHT VELOCITY DISTRIBUTIONS [OIII] Hα+[NII] STARS v [km/s] Trends with SFR at a fixed M *

9 9 OUTFLOW PROPERTIES Stacking grid colour-coded with the excess of gas velocity with respect to stars which traces non-virial motion of gas (due to outflows) v GAS – v STAR increases with SFR and sSFR Expected for star formation- driven outflows v GAS – v STAR decreases with M * for fixed SFR Qualitatively agrees with models Agreement with indirect observations of feedback (e.g. mass-metallicity relation) v [OIII] - v STARS v Hα - v STARS [OIII] Hα

10 10 OUTFLOW PROPERTIES Outflows are detected only above the main sequence of star formation Sharp increase of outflows at SFR > SFR MS Outflows eventually quench star formation and lower the SFR, bringing the galaxy back on the MS Self-adjusting mechanism that may explain the tightness of the MS v [OIII] - v STARS v [OIII] – v STARS [km/s] Δ MS = offset from the Main Sequence Cicone+14

11 11 Next steps: - 3D on large samples of galaxies required to obtain outflow rate and P K SDSS4-MANGA - Investigate the Atomic (NaI) and Molecular components in 3D v [OIII] – v STARS [km/s] Δ MS = offset from the Main Sequence Sharp increase of outflows at SFR > SFR MS Outflows eventually quench star formation and lower the SFR, bringing the galaxy back on the MS Self-adjusting mechanism that may explain the tightness of the MS v [OIII] - v STARS

12 Star formation feedback at high redshift

13 Steidel+10 Bradshaw+13 Diamond-Stanic+12 z~3 Integrated Outflow load factor M SFR ~ 1-2. 3D resolved z~2 Genzel+12

14 Genzel+13, Swinbank+13 gravitationally stable -> no SF gravitationally unstable -> SF (yet does not help to remove baryons) Q surface density velocity dispersion epicyclic frequency (rotation) Quenching by gravitational stability

15 The need of feedback becomes dramatic at high-z Photoionization the main driver? Need to trace both ionized and neutral ISM at high-z e.g. Ly, H e.g. [CII], [CI], CO Feedback in the early Universe

16 [CII]158 m (ALMA) Ly emitter at z=4.7 SFR ~ 20 M /yr Williams+14 QSO SMG Neutral-cold gas ([CII]) probably account just for a small fraction of the whole galaxy traced by Ly Ly Ly (FORS2) But peculiar environment (QSO)…

17 Y-band (Ly +UV) Vanzella+12 Star forming galaxy at z=7.1 (reionization epoch) SFR ~ 9 M /yr

18 [CII]158 m (~neutral cold gas) detected at z=7.1 with ALMA 5 kpc beam 0.5x0.7 Maiolino+14 Y-band (Ly +UV) Star forming galaxy at z=7.1 (reionization epoch) SFR ~ 9 M /yr

19 FWHM 8 km/s! 5 kpc beam 0.5x0.7 [CII] (ALMA) Star forming galaxy at z=7.1 (reionization epoch) SFR ~ 9 M /yr

20 FWHM 8 km/s! 5 kpc beam 0.5x0.7 velocity vel. dispersion km/s M dyn ~ 3 10 7 M [CII] (ALMA)

21 FWHM 8 km/s! [CII] Ly +UV 5 kpc 3 kpc beam [CII] (ALMA) offset ~3 kpc

22 …as expected by models of primeval galaxies Vallini+13 galaxy mostly photoionized + accreting clumps of cold gas

23 AGN feedback Quasar mode

24 Quasar-driven outflows detected in the atomic neutral and ionized component Rupke+11,13, Spoon+11, Muller-Sanchez+11 Wavelength (Å) Narrow H [NII] Broad H (outflow) F (normalized) Mrk231 NaI 2kpc velocity [km/s] lambda 6100 6160 1200 km/s velocity [km/s]

25 Evidence for massive quasar-driven molecular outflows CO(1-0) high velocity wings Massive molecular outflows (~1000 M /yr) Extended on kpc scales P K ~ 0.05 L AGN Momentum rate ~ 20 L AGN /c OH P-Cygni profiles Fischer+10 Sturm+11 1200 km/s 5kpc Feruglio+10,13 Cicone+14 blue wing …as expected (and required) by models ( m) Mrk231

26 The importance of high resolution 3D spectroscopy Recurrent explosive process Energy driven quasar outflows 1kpc 600 – 800 km/s 800 – 1000 km/s Mrk231 600 – 800 km/s CO(1-0) CO(2-1) Feruglio+, in prep. IRAM - PdBI

27 Simulations: only diffuse gas is ejected, no dense gas … AGN not really capable of quenching star formation? Gabor+14 Actually a lot of dense (~10 5 cm -3 ) gas is observed in the outflow… Aalto+12 …actually there is more dense gas in the outflow (relative to diffuse) than in the disk!

28 Alternative scenario: molecular outflowing clouds condensed out of the shocked ouflowing gas… … would be consistent with AGN only ejecting diffuse gas and the detection of dense outflowing gas… Zubovas & King 13 ExpectedObserved log (critical density) [cm -3 ] outflow size [kpc] Cicone+12 but 3D info: n n

29 AGN feedback at high-z (thats what is really needed to account for local massive ellipticals)

30 V [OIII] >300 km/s (outflow) H (SFR) Cano Diaz+12 Alexander+10 Forster-Schreiber+13 Cimatti et al. 13 Weiss+13 Bourget + 2012, 2013 z=3.0 z=2.4 z=3 z=6.4 Maiolino+12, Cicone+14 [CII] M outflow up to >3000 M /yr. Sizes >10 kpc Depletion timescales < 10 7 yr

31 Keeping the galaxy clean Radio mode Quasar mode Cleaning the galaxy

32 radio optical + radio Evidence for radio-mode AGN feedback in LOCAL galaxies (maintenance mode) Heating ~ Cooling It works! … Really?

33 Having, ON AVERAGE, balance between heating and cooling does not mean that some regions cannot undergo overheating and other OVERCOOLING Salome+11 Russel+14 Hamer+14 Streams of cooling molecular gas towards the center of Perseus

34 Quasar-feedback phase driven by jets? Wagner & Bicknell 2011, 2012

35 4C12.50 SCIENCE (today) blueshifted 21cm absorption see also Morganti+03,05, Emonts+03

36 ALMA CO(1-0)

37 Observational evidence and characterization of feedback in galaxies: green field lots of open questions rapid growth expected in the coming few years thanks to the new 3D facilities

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