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*Make sure your name is on your homework *Turn in your homework

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Presentation on theme: "*Make sure your name is on your homework *Turn in your homework"— Presentation transcript:

1 *Make sure your name is on your homework *Turn in your homework
Bellringer 9.1 *Make sure your name is on your homework *Turn in your homework Comprehensive Test 1

2 Musical Math Learning Target: Identifying Rational Numbers and Approximating Irrational Numbers

3 Learning Target: Identifying Rational Numbers and Approximating Irrational Numbers
Password: success Station 1: Rational vs Irrational & Decimal Expansion: “If you were teaching this lesson to someone else what would you put on your poster (construction paper) to help you teach this lesson? You can put anything from or about this lesson on your poster. You can draw, write, or whatever is appropriate.” Finish:*start on Station 3 Station 2: Approximating Irrational Roots- Square root application handout & Khan radicals/pre-algebra-square-roots/a/square-roots-of-perfect-squares-art Station 3: Irrational numbers on a number line, comparing rational numbers and irrational numbers, estimating square roots- Illustrative Mathematics

4 Summarization/Closing
List 3 rational numbers List 2 irrational numbers List 1 way real numbers are used in the real world

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