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Theme 4: Movement The Mobility of People Goods Ideas

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Presentation on theme: "Theme 4: Movement The Mobility of People Goods Ideas"— Presentation transcript:

1 Theme 4: Movement The Mobility of People Goods Ideas
How Places are linked to one another and the world

2 Theme 5: Regions What Places Have in Common
A region is a basic unit for geographic study. Made up by social scientists to study characteristics they are interested in Places that share certain characteristics are seen as forming this unit Ex. New England Ex. The Middle East

3 Map labeling Themes: Location Place Region
Human Environment Interaction How about Movement?



6 Asia China Africa South America Australia Antarctica THE CONTINENTS
North America China Africa India South America Australia Antarctica THE CONTINENTS

7 Arctic Atlantic Pacific Pacific Indian Southern THE OCEANS
Mediterranean Atlantic Pacific Pacific Indian Southern THE OCEANS

8 Map labeling Themes: Location Place Region
Human Environment Interaction How about Movement?

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