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Presentation title Integrated template for the NC7 in-depth review report and the BR3 technical review report 5th Lead Reviewers Meeting Bonn, 28 February-1.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation title Integrated template for the NC7 in-depth review report and the BR3 technical review report 5th Lead Reviewers Meeting Bonn, 28 February-1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation title Integrated template for the NC7 in-depth review report and the BR3 technical review report 5th Lead Reviewers Meeting Bonn, 28 February-1 March 2018 Inkar Kadyrzhanova, Programme Officer UNFCCC secretariat, MDA

2 Outline of the presentation
Reporting and review guidelines under the Convention and the Kyoto Protocol Structures of the IDR and TRR, and the integrated review report template Changes and improvements made for this review Conclusions for consideration of LRs

3 Review guidelines for GHG inventories, NCs and BRs
Three review reports should be produced for AI Party: A final report on the review of the GHG inventory A technical report on the review of the biennial report A report on the review of the national communication All review reports shall include the following elements: An introduction and summary; A description of the technical review of each of the elements reviewed, including: Description of any potential issues; Suggestions by ERT to resolve issues; Assessment of any efforts to address any potential issues identified during the current review or previous reviews; Sources of information used. Part II: General approach to the review

4 Part IV: Review of BRs Part V: Review of NCs Article 8 reviews
Review guidelines for Convention and supplementary information under KP TRR shall include: The results of technical examination of parts of the BR that are not included in GHG inventory review, including examination of progress to target Identification of issues Transparency, Completeness, Timeliness and Adherence to BR guidelines Part IV: Review of BRs IDR shall include: Technical review of unique information contained in the NC and procedures and methodologies used Transparency, Completeness, Timeliness and Adherence to NC guidelines Part V: Review of NCs Review report shall include: Technical assessment of reported elements, and identification of issues Transparency, Completeness and Timeliness Failure to report any section of NC is considered as a potential problem Article 8 reviews

5 Reporting guidelines for NC and BR
Template includes elements related to assessment of information reported under Convention: Guidelines for the preparation of national communications by Parties included in Annex I to the Convention, Part II: UNFCCC reporting guidelines on national communications KP: Guidelines for the preparation of the information required under Article 7 of the Kyoto Protocol National communication (In-depth review report) UNFCCC biennial reporting guidelines for developed country Parties (decision 2/CP.17, annex I) Common tabular format for “UNFCCC biennial reporting guidelines for developed country Parties (decision 19/CP.18) Biennial report (Technical review report)

6 Structure of NC7 in-depth review report
I. Introduction and summary II. Technical review of the reported information in the NC [and supplementary information under KP] A. Information on national circumstances and GHG emissions and removals B. Information on policies and measures [and institutional arrangements] C. Projections and the total effect of policies and measures[, including information on supplementarity relating to Articles 6, 12 and 17 of KP] D. Provision of financial resources and technology transfer to developing country Parties[, including information under Articles 10 and 11 of KP] E. Vulnerability assessment, climate change impacts and adaptation F. Research and systematic observation G. Education, training and public awareness III. Conclusions and recommendations VI. Questions of implementation Annex

7 Structure of BR3 technical review report
I. Introduction and summary II. Technical review of the reported information A. Information on GHG emissions and removals related to the target B. Progress made towards the achievement of the target C. Assumptions, conditions and methodologies related to the target D. Provision of financial, technological and capacity-building support to developing countries III. Conclusions Annex

8 Structure of the integrated review report template
As before, the integrated template will have: Standard text and space for country-specific text Textual options – yellow highlights Instructions for ERT – blue highlights Text relevant for KP Parties – green highlights For each section there will be information on expert who should fill it in and the report this section belongs to

9 Integrated review report template
The template is prepared by the secretariat to guide the experts in drafting two reports – the TRR and the IDR. The integrated template will be filled in by experts before and during the review week. The experts will work in the Report Preparation Module of the BR-VTR Once the drafting and editing are complete after the end of the review week, the review officers will prepare two standalone draft review reports by splitting the integrated template into two parts. The templates for standalone TRRs and IDRs are also prepared to assist the ROs

10 What’s new in this template compared to the previous?
Recommendations for the template from the previous review cycle: Improve the story line Avoid duplication Integrate the checklist The following changes were made in each substantive chapter: Technical assessment of reported information – This portion should include Party-specific information relating to the technical assessment and the summary of reported information. This text should provide a coherent story line of the reported information; b) Assessment of adherence to the reporting guidelines – This portion includes a table on the findings of the ERT with regard to: Reporting issues, missing information and information not reported transparently; Additional information provided during the review; Recommendations or encouragements. Three drop-down menus to select paragraph of the guidelines, assessment and conclusion by ERT.

11 What’s new in this template compared to the previous?
Pre-populated information by the secretariat – e.g. names, dates of submission, ISO codes, selection of options based on the status under the Convention (Annex II or not) and the Kyoto Protocol (KP Party or not), list of references with weblinks Pre-populated tables on GHG inventory information – e.g. table on economic indicators compared to total emissions, emissions by sector and by gas, projections by sector and by gas, financial support by type Pre-populated projection graph – out of two templates (for EU MS and non EU) one template will be prepopulated More elaborated standard text – especially in the sections on technical assessment of reported information The chapters on PaMs, projections and FTC will be largely repeated in the IDRs and TRRs New tables on emissions by gas, on projections by sector and by gas, and on financial support The QA and second editing/proofreading of the stand alone reports will ensure adherence to the IDR and TRR templates

12 Conclusions for consideration of the LRs
In the previous review cycles, the improvements in timeliness of reviews were attributed, among other reasons, to the improvements introduced in the review report templates. The improvements in the template and the changes introduced in the review process are made with the view to further improving the timeliness. The new approach to preparation of the integrated review report template is tested in this review cycle and based on the feedback from the ERTs in the first few reviews the approach could be adjusted in the following reviews.

13 Thank you!! Any questions?

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