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German GCSE Development sheet: Module 4

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1 German GCSE Development sheet: Module 4
Grammar Overview German GCSE Development sheet: Module 4

2 German GCSE Development sheet: Module 4

3 German GCSE Development sheet: Module 4

4 German GCSE Development sheet: Module 4

5 German GCSE Development sheet: Module 4
Vocabulary: Find the German for the following and write them out 3 times: That’s fun. funny useful in since/for pardon? in the evening in the afternoon after school important quite very too especially not at all Translate the paragraph into English. Picture based speaking task: Prepare answers for the points given. Übersetze die Sätze! I am a vegetarian because I don’t like meat. The currywurst was disgusting because it was too salty. Can you repeat that, please? Could you speak more slowly? For four years, I have been living in a terraced house in Bingham. A big advantage is that social media is free. The internet can lead to problems. All in all, technology is positive. In my house, there is a terrace. I watch TV in my room. Opinion building: find the following and use them in a sentence with an opinion/reason (e.g. Ich esse nicht gern Pizza, denn es ist zu fettig). download music streaming service smart TV fruit and vegetables sausage crisps and biscuits milk meet with friends my town my house Exam-style writing task Creative writing Du warst im Restaurant und hattest ein schlechtes Erlebnis. Schreib einen Brief an den Manager. Benutze ‘Sie’ Formen. Benutze diverse und interessante Verben und rechtfertige deine Meinungen.

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