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Rules defining appropriate and inappropriate behavior

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Presentation on theme: "Rules defining appropriate and inappropriate behavior"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rules defining appropriate and inappropriate behavior

2 Norms

3 A rule of behavior, the violation of which calls for strong punishment

4 Taboo

5 _________________________ are used to enforce _____________________, __________________________, and ___________________ which are types of _____________________________ that are based on ________________.

6 SANCTIONS are used to enforce FOLKWAYS, MORES, AND LAWS, which are types of NORMS that are based on VALUES.

7 Broad ideas about what is good or desirable shared by people in a society.

8 Values

9 What are the three types of norms?

10 Folkways, Mores, Laws

11 What do norms help explain about a culture?

12 Why people in a culture/society/group behave similarly in similar situations

13 Rewards and punishments used to encourage people to follow norms

14 Sanctions

15 What is the difference between formal and informal sanctions?

16 Formal sanctions can be imposed only by authority figures; informal sanctions can be applied by most people in a group

17 What are some examples of American values?

18 Achievement, success, competition, work, practicality, equality, democracy, liberty

19 Norms that lack moral significance

20 Folkways

21 Norms that have moral dimensions and should be followed

22 Mores

23 A norm that is formally defined and enforced by officials

24 Law

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