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The Effect of the A.C.E. Program on Achievement and Learning Joy Crosby.

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Presentation on theme: "The Effect of the A.C.E. Program on Achievement and Learning Joy Crosby."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Effect of the A.C.E. Program on Achievement and Learning Joy Crosby

2 The Effect of A.C.E. on Learning What are the typical effects of schooling on a students achievement? Everything works in schools

3 The Effect of A.C.E on Learning Factors are expressed in effect-size All factors will have some effect on a students learning- to a greater or lesser degree Factors with an effect-size of.4 or more have maximum effect on a students achievement

4 The Effect of A.C.E on Learning Three Specifics Achievement is enhanced to the degree that students and teachers set and communicate goals Achievement is enhanced as a function of feedback Increases in student learning involve surface and deep learning as well as reconceptualization

5 The Effect of A.C.E on Learning INDIVIDUALIZATION It is predicted that programs that do not capitalize on effective classroom management practices to optimize feedback, will not be successful.

6 The Effect of A.C.E on Learning A.C.E. an Individualized Program A class of your own or Learning alone and independently capitalize on effective classroom practices to optimize feedback

7 The Effect of A.C.E on Learning FEEDBACK – effect-size.73 Feedback is a consequence of performance : A teacher/parent – corrective information A peer – an alternative strategy A book or text – information and instruction Self – finds answers, establishes correctness

8 The Effect of A.C.E on Learning CONTINUOUS SEQUENCE OF INSTRUCTION AND FEEDBACK Providing Instruction--> Follows Instruction Providing Feedback --> Receives Feedback

9 CONTINUOUS SEQUENCE OF INSTRUCTION AND FEEDBACK Feedback in the form of Correctional Review becomes New Instruction New Instruction … Receives Feedback The Effect of A.C.E on Learning

10 Feedback should: Provide information specific to task or process Fill gaps between what is understood and what needs to be understood

11 The Effect of A.C.E on Learning Feedback is Information that: increases understanding Improves performance Helps to achieve goals

12 The Effect of A.C.E on Learning Opportunities for Feedback Score Strips Supervisors score boxes Checkups Self Tests PACE Tests

13 The Effect of A.C.E on Learning Three Levels of Feedback Emphasis on Student Self-Management CHECK - At the Scoring Station REFLECT - Teaching blocks and Instruction DISCUSS - Ask for help

14 The Effect of A.C.E on Learning If Effective Feedback is embedded In all of our supervision and teaching and every opportunity is used to provide feedback, then learning outcomes will improve

15 The Effect of A.C.E on Learning ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE and INDIVIDUALIZATION Performance Level - where the student can cope Individualization - student works independently There is always FEEDBACK and there is always INTERVENTION

16 The Effect of A.C.E on Learning The A.C.E. system improves student achievement, not because it is an Individualized system, but because it allows feedback to occur often, and at different levels

17 The Effect of A.C.E on Learning ACCELERATION - Effect-size.88 Experiencing curricula aimed at challenging at a higher level THE SUPERVISOR The most influential effect on students Tutors, Mentors, Supervises learning

18 The Effect of A.C.E on Learning PERSONALIZED SYSTEM OF INSTRUCTION Effect-size.53 Highly structured, student centered Emphasis on self-pacing Mastery before proceeding Teaching materials text based Teachers offer tutorial and motivational help

19 The Effect of A.C.E on Learning MASTERY LEARNING - Effect size.58 The flow of learning is directed through carefully sequenced activities, reinforcement, monitoring and feedback Student is given sufficient opportunity to learn and adequate time

20 The Effect of A.C.E on Learning DIRECT INSTRUCTION- Effect size.82 Well developed, carefully planned lessons Small learning increments Clear learning Goals Structured Interaction Immediate Feedback Close Monitoring

21 The Effect of A.C.E on Learning REINFORCEMENT/REPITITION - Effect size 1.13 CLASS ENVIRONMENT - Effect size.56

22 The Effect of A.C.E on Learning Effects in the A.C.E. Learning Centre above.4 Goal Setting – 0.56 Mastery learning – 0.58 Kellers PSI – 0.53 (Similar to A.C.E.) Worked Examples – 0.57 Feedback – 0.73

23 Effects in the A.C.E. Learning Centre above.4 Providing Formative Evaluation – 0.90 Direct Instruction – 0.82 Frequent Testing - 0.34 Frequent Testing with Feedback – 0.5 The Effect of A.C.E on Learning

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