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Malignant Hyperthermia

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1 Malignant Hyperthermia
Skills Day Presentation Prepared by Paige Klem

2 Definition MH is a potentially fatal, inherited disorder associated with patients given anesthetic triggering agents. The trigger medication causes an acceleration of metabolism in skeletal muscle It is an autosomal dominate genetic trait that has been loosely correlated with patients whom develop MH with exercise or exposure to hot environments. Most cases occur during the administration of anesthesia or during the one-hour time period immediately following surgery. The syndrome is thought to be due to a reduction in the re-uptake of calcium by the sarcoplasmic reticulum necessary for termination of muscle contraction, resulting in sustained muscle contraction • Leads to a hypermetabolic crisis manifesting as metabolic and respiratory acidosis, tachycardia, cardiac arrhythmias, skeletal muscle rigidity and heat production

3 Statistics 1:2,000 people are susceptible to MH
More than 1,000 cases a year in the US 1:100,000 surgeries in adults 1:30,000 surgeries in kids • Not everyone with gene defect linked to MH develops the MH crisis upon exposure to the triggering agents

4 Related Conditions Testing
A muscle biopsy test is available in only 3 labs in the country and it is very expensive. Testing is limited it its capabilities as there are so many mutations associated with MH. Related Conditions Central Core disease King-Denborough syndrome Masseter muscle rigidity (MMR)

5 Triggering Agents Inhaled General Anesthetics Succinylcholine**
Desflurane** Enflurane Ether Halothane Isoflurane Methoxyflurane Sevoflurane** Succinylcholine** ARH carries Desflurance, Sevoflurane, and Succinylcholine

6 Most Common Symptoms Signs: Tachycardia (sudden and unexplained)
Arrhythmias Hypercarbia and Hypoxia Muscle Rigidity Temperature Elevation

7 Location of MH Kits Anesthesia Workroom L&D OR Location of MH Posters and Contact Info By each Anesthesia Machine in each OR, Endo, Cath Lab PACU units (main PACU and L&D PACU)

8 Back of MH Kits Top Cabinet Medications

9 Drawers 1-3

10 Bottom Cabinet

11 Start Emergency Response 1-800-644-9737
Discontinue agents Get Help Extra staff Call MHAUS hotline Get MH Kit (**Dantrolene) Mix Dantrolene 2.5 mg/kg Management of symptoms Cool patient Labs and appropriate meds Treat dysrhythmias

12 Dantrolene is to be reconstituted with 60 mL of Sterile Water per vial
How to mix Dantrolene: Dantrolene is to be reconstituted with 60 mL of Sterile Water per vial Action: skeletal muscle relaxant that impairs calcium dependent muscle contraction and controls hypermetabolism

13 Know your Role!! Practice within your scope! Video Runners
Mixing of medications Monitoring of patient Irrigation of body cavity Foley Lavage Line placement Lab draws Video

14 Resources Policy OR

15 References: Rosenberg H, Sambuughin N, Riazi S, et al. (2003) [Updated 2013 Jan 31] Malignant Hyperthermia Susceptibility. GeneReviews Retrieved from:

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