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What can QTI do? (that my current e-assessment systems format cant) Sue Milne.

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Presentation on theme: "What can QTI do? (that my current e-assessment systems format cant) Sue Milne."— Presentation transcript:

1 What can QTI do? (that my current e-assessment systems format cant) Sue Milne

2 Question 1 Confidence rating: Combine question with measure of confidence Reflect both aspects in – Score – Feedback Useful for – Diagnostic test – Formative assessment

3 Question 2 Feedback links: Feedback targeted to each input Links to external material Last 2 options are fixed Good for diagnostic tests

4 Question 3 Numerical values in randomisation and judging: Random values for integers and floats Mathematical functions: sin, cos,..., sinh,..., exp, ln, log,... Mathematical constants: π and e Statistical functions: mean, standard deviation, variance

5 Question 4 Maths extensions – MathAssess: Use algebraic expressions – Randomisation – Judging Maths input – MathML display as you type Computer Algebra behind scenes Manipulate expressions – Combine – Compare...

6 Question 5 Multi-input questions: Several (different) inputs in the same question All submitted together More comprehensive than single interaction Feedback targeted at each input

7 Question 6 Multi-stage questions: Each part presented in turn Depends on candidates previous input Feedback can be designed to appear – At each stage – At the end

8 Question 7 Nested interactions: Textbox added to MCQ Could be just one choice e.g. Other with room for alternative Feedback can reflect all inputs

9 Question Types Basics Choice – radio or checkbox Inline Choice – dropdown Text Entry – string or number Advanced Associate – pairs Gap Match – fill blanks Hot Text – select text Match – matrix selection Order Slider – numerical scale Custom – DIY Graphical Position Object Graphic Gap Match Hotspot Graphic Order Select Point Graphic Associate Offline Marking Extended Text Upload

10 Tests Diagnostic – feedback linking to repair Formative – repeat same randomised question Summative – feedback not visible until end of test Adaptive – next question displayed depends on responses to previous question(s) Several sections in same test – different settings in each section

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