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“Ukraine’s OSCE Chairmanship in 2013 – contribution to strengthening security and cooperation in Europe” Lecture by H.E.Viktor Nedopas, Ambassador of.

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Presentation on theme: "“Ukraine’s OSCE Chairmanship in 2013 – contribution to strengthening security and cooperation in Europe” Lecture by H.E.Viktor Nedopas, Ambassador of."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Ukraine’s OSCE Chairmanship in 2013 – contribution to strengthening security and cooperation in Europe” Lecture by H.E.Viktor Nedopas, Ambassador of Ukraine in the Republic of Serbia 23 January 2013, Belgrade

2 Politicо-military dimension
Advancing the Helsinki +40 process Strengthening the OSCE’s role as a regional security organization OSCE efforts to re-establish the conventional armed forces regime in Europe applicable to all OSCE participating States Peaceful resolution of protracted conflicts in the OSCE Responding to emerging transnational threats, improving border security and border management, countering terrorism, combating drug trafficking

3 Economic and environmental dimension
Addressing existing and potential challenges in economic and environmental sphere, including energy security Promoting mutually beneficial economic ties within the OSCE area Environmental impact of energy-related activities, energy efficiency and utilization of renewable sources of energy Development of the new trade and transport corridors

4 Human dimension Implementation of the existing commitments in the human dimension by all participating States Ensuring the freedom of media Fight against trafficking in human beings Youth education on the principles of tolerance and non-discrimination Protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms Promotion of gender equality Constructive engagement of civil society in achieving the goals of the OSCE

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