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Consciousness First described as a “stream” by William James

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1 Consciousness First described as a “stream” by William James
(Allow always changing, it is perceived as unified & unbroken)

2 Levels of Consciousness
The idea of a Freudian Unconscious has given way to a more scientific, biological Non-Conscious.

3 Awareness Selective Attention Our ability to focus on a single stimuli within our environment. Usually leads to exclusion of other stimuli. Cocktail Party Effect You can “tune in” to the conversation that you want to listen to, while “tuning out” all other conversations.

4 Awareness Inattentional Blindness
Your inability to notice unexpected stimuli in your environment . Change Blindness Your inability to notice changes in stimuli in your environment. Choice Blindness Your inability to detect a mismatch between your intended choice & what you are actually presented with. 2 Key Point Our awareness of our environment & ourselves has serious limitations!

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