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Working for Childrens’ and Adult’s Social Care

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1 Working for Childrens’ and Adult’s Social Care
Kerry Hullett Monday, 03 December 2018Monday, 03 December 2018

2 Outcomes – by the end of the day you will be able to
Understand the role of the health and social care worker Be familiar with the term ‘duty of care’ Start building your own personal development portfolio Appreciate and look after yourself Monday, 03 December 2018Monday, 03 December 2018

3 Professionalism Can you think of any rules regarding professionalism that would apply to your work? Examples of unprofessional behaviour How does a professional approach protect you and the service-user? Monday, 03 December 2018Monday, 03 December 2018

4 If you needed our support.....
Imagine you needed the help of social care. Choose one of the issues you might have from the list below. Arthritis in fingers which makes fiddly tasks painful Slight stroke – you have problems with short term memory – remind them that this might mean loss of driving loss You have dementia Your partner has dementia and you are at ‘the end of your tether’ Your teenage son’s behaviour is out of control – he has been excluded. You feel that you can no longer cope. Ask them to get into groups according to the issue you have selected. Then post it activity

5 Look at the various categories marked on the flip chart paper
What would you expect Look at the various categories marked on the flip chart paper Write one thing per post-it that you would expect of a social care employee and stick it on appropriate piece of flip chart

6 GSCC Codes of Practice Protect Rights / Promote Interests
Establish & Maintain Trust Promote Independence / Protect from Harm Respect Rights / Ensure Behaviour doesn’t affect others Uphold Public Trust & Confidence Be Accountable for Quality of Work & Responsible for Updating Skills Social Care Workers GSCC 2002 Distribute Codes of Practice Monday, 03 December 2018Monday, 03 December 2018

7 Influences On Policy Decisions
Influenced by: RESEARCH Identified needs, Proven practice PUBLIC OPINION Pressure groups, Media PRACTITIONERS “SCANDAL” National / Local inquiries VOL / INDEPENDENT SECTOR GOVT. AGENCIES Think tanks etc. External LEGISLATION. White papers, health and safety Guidance and regulations DoH / SSI directives Subject to: POLITICAL “ETHOS” RESOURCE CONSTRAINTS EXISTING ATTITUDES TRANSLATED INTERNALLY Chief Officers Elected Members In to: PRACTICE Unit Policy procedure etc. IMPACT ON SERVICE USERS, COMMUNITY Monday, 03 December 2018Monday, 03 December 2018

8 Current Government Initiatives
Person Centred Planning (putting the person’s wants first, then looking at what is needed to achieve that want) Putting People First (see the person first, and the “disability” second) Personalisation (Professionals don’t know best!) Personalised budgets (buy your chosen support service)

9 National Dementia Strategy
Single Assessment Process (one client – one file – one co-ordinator and all agencies sharing relevant information) National Dementia Strategy raise awareness of dementia quality early diagnosis

10 Changes will only be achieved by significant
People First Changes will only be achieved by significant cultural change and changing the attitudes, behaviours and skill base of all people working in health and social care….” Under Secretaries of State for Health and Care Services, Ann Keen and Ivan Lewis

11 All about you Something you enjoy doing
A task that you take responsibility for Something that you are good at Something you look forward to in 2010 Playing the piano Ordering the shopping Ask them to come up with a category Now give them a list of illnesses Arthritis in fingers which makes fiddly tasks painful Slight stroke – you have problems with short term memory – remind them that this might mean loss of driving loss Osteoporosis – you spine becomes deformed at the cervical area and you can no longer keep your head up straight There should be a discussion about why you might not have a choice about giving some things up for example anything where other peoples’ safety is involved, driving licence, the ability to go and and out about on your own Parking the car Going to Mexico

12 The Good Life love identity Occupation Attachment Comfort Inclusion
Note that these are psychological factors Ask learners to note down one factor of their life that gives them the feel good factor. The add these words to flipchart paper and ask them to stick on right category. Then have a discussion about which of these we focus on as social carers Inclusion Comfort

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