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Six Kingdoms of Life.

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1 Six Kingdoms of Life


3 Grouping of Organisms into Kingdoms are Based on 4 Factors
Cell Type Cell Number Feeding Type Method of Reproduction

4 Cell Type Prokaryote No Nucleus No Organelles Cytoplasm Cell Membrane
Small & Simple Eukaryote Nucleus Organelles Cytoplasm Cell Membrane Large & Complex

5 Cell Number Unicellular Organisms made of one cell Multi-cellular
Organisms made of more than one cell

6 Feeding Type Autotroph Hetertroph
Organisms that make their own food through photosynthesis. Hetertroph Heterotrophs do not make their own food. They rely on other organisms for food.

7 Method of Reproduction
Asexual Reproduction Reproduction involves one parent. Offspring will be identical to the parent in asexual reproduction. Sexual reproduction Organisms reproduce by combining cells from two different parents. The offspring receives genetic material from both parents

8 Kingdom Archaebacteria “extreme bacteria”
Cellular Type –Prokaryotic Number of Cells –Unicellular Feeding Type –Autotrophic or Heterotrophic Method of Reproduction –Asexual Habitat –live in extreme habitats such as hot springs, geysers, volcanic hot pools, brine pools, black smokers Cell wall present

9 Kingdom ArchaebacteriaMorning Glory Pool in Yellowstone National Park –note the bright colors from the archaebacteria growing in the extremely hot water.

10 Kingdom Eubacteria Cell Type – Prokaryotic
Number of Cells –Unicellular Feeding Tyoe –Autotrophic or heterotrophic Method of Reproduction –Asexual Cell wall present

11 Kingdom Protista “Catch All Kingdom”
Cell Type –Eukaryotic Cellular Organization –Most unicellular, some mult-icellular Mode of Nutrition –Autotrophic and heterotrophic Reproduction –sexual and asexual Cell Wall present


13 Kingdom Fungi Cell Type –Eukaryotic Number of Cells–Most multicellular
Feeding Type –heterotrophic (decomposers) Method of Reproduction –sexual and asexual Cell wall present


15 Kingdom Plantae Cell Type –Eukaryotic Number of Cells –multicellular
Method of Feeding –Autotrophic Method of Reproduction–Sexual & Asexual


17 Kingdom Animalia Cell Type –Eukaryotic Number of Cells–Multicellular
Method of Feeding–Heterotrophic Reproduction –Sexual Cell Wall –none


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