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European Colonization of North America

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1 European Colonization of North America

2 Early attempts at colonization were based on one economic system/idea:

3 The Beginnings, 1480s-90s New Technologies Ships, sails, African
exploration Purpose 3Gs or 2Cs 1490s, Exploration & making claims to New World Columbus sails for Portugal, 1492 Treaty of Tordesillas, 1494 Britain claims Nova Scotia, Newfoundland & Great Banks

4 Colonial Comparison Chart
Type of Colony/Purpose of Settlement Joint Stock Company/Corporate Charter A company or group of investors is given legal authority and control by the monarch Proprietorship A specific person is given legal authority and control by the monarch Royal The monarch has complete control and directs the colony either personally or more often, through a governor Demographic & Religious Make-up Europeans tended to be Christian Catholic or Protestant? Which type of Protestant?

5 Colonial Comparison Chart, cont.
National & Ethnic Groups What countries did the settlers in this colony come from? What about African slaves? Environment, Industry & Labor What was the landscape/geography of the area like? Did it allow for farming/agriculture or fishing, or did the settlers have to rely on buying/selling as their form of livelihood? System of Government & Pattern of Settlement Was the colony run directly by the king, a Vice-roy, or was there a form of democracy? Did people live near each other in towns/cities or did they spread out? Social Structure & Relations with Native Americans? Was it a hierarchical society? Was it defined or loose? Were relations positive or negative with Native Americans? Explain.

6 New Spain: Land of the Conquistador
Sought wealth via… Slave Labor Search for Gold Plantations St. Augustine, FL (1585) Sought to Convert the Natives Missions = religious & military outposts Texas & California Rigid Class Structure

7 New France: Central North America
Sought wealth via… Export Products: Fish & Fur Plantations Find faster trade routes Est’d Forts & Settlements Canada, US , Haiti Sought Peaceful relations with NAs Coureurs de bois Used slaves…

8 British Colonization: The Southern Colonies
Initial Attempt-Roanoke, 1584 Virginia: Jamestown, 1607 VA Company of London First Charter of Virginia 3 Types of colonies Mvt toward private ownership Virginia House of Burgesses, 1619 Royalized, 1624 Maryland: St. Mary’s City, MD 1634 Cecil Calvert (aka Lord Baltimore) & his “Maryland Designe” Maryland Act for Religious Carolinas, 1663 & Georgia, 1732 Proprietorships; refuge for debtors or military outpost v. New Spain

9 British Colonization: The New England Colonies
Plymouth, 1620 Mayflower Compact Religious/Company Pilgrims (Separatist Puritans) Massachusetts Bay Colony, 1630 Model of Christian Charity Non-separatist Puritans Rhode Island & Connecticut, 1643Religious Toleration Roger Williams & Anne Hutchinson Antinomians

10 British Colonization: The Middle Colonies
New York (aka New Amsterdam) Discovered by Henry Hudson, 1609 Official Dutch colony, 1624 Liberal & multi-ethnic (The Island at the Center of the World, pp.2-3) British take-over, 1664 New Jersey 1663 & Delaware, 1682 Originally part of New Amsterdam Proprietorships under the English Pennsylvania Proprietor William Penn Quaker rules, multi-ethnic Social & gender equality

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