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Signals - Drivers Value holder for a signal.

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1 Signals - Drivers Value holder for a signal.
Created when signal assignments schedule some value at some future time. Every signal has a separate driver. Can be thought of as a source for a signal. Driver maintains an ordered list of transactions. Recollect transaction is assignment made to a signal. Simulator uses the value of the signal stored in the driver.

2 Multiple Drivers Signals may be updated in more than 1 process at the same time. There may be more than 1 driver for the same signal, one for each process. The values assigned may be same or different. What to do if the values are different?

3 Multiple Drivers - Resolution
Resolution function is the solution. This function resolves the value of the signal. This function must resolve all possible pairs of values that two drivers may assign. The signal being resolved is called the resolved signal. The resolution function can be attached to A signal directly or A data-type itself.

4 Sequential Control Statements
If Case Loop Next Exit Inside loops

5 Sequential Control Conditional Control Iterative Control

6 Summary: Behavioral Descriptions in VHDL
A behavioral description consists of a set of processes. A process represents the functionality of one or several devices. It contains no information about the implementation of the devices. A process will execute its statements one by one until a wait statement is encountered. Behavioral descriptions are similar to high-level language programs. VHDL is “ADA-like” If the semantics of a VHDL construct matches an ADA construct, so does the syntax.

7 Modelling Combinational Logic
Conclusion: There are very many ways to describe combinational logic. Combinational logic can be specified using sequential statements

8 Modelling Sequential Logic
Sequential logic can be specified similarly to combinational

9 A D-latch example with set-up and hold checks
Here we illusgtrate assert and report only for simple circuit, but this is very useful for big circuits with complex timing

10 Modelling Finite State Machines
Previously we shown one process and two process description of sequential machines, Now we have a 3 process example. Used are also many process examples.

11 Modelling Finite State Machines (cont’d)
This is standard description States encoded or not Operations behavioral or signals only

12 Mixed Descriptions in VHDL
Structural, data-flow and behavioral descriptions can be mixed freely in an architecture body. Signals are the “glue” which connects the different descriptions. Ex.

13 If statement syntax If_statement ::= if condition then
sequence of sequential statements {elsif condition then sequence of sequential statements} [else sequence of sequential statements] end if; syntax

14 If Statements Value of a Boolean Expression Determines Which Statements Are Executed Expression must evaluate to TRUE or FALSE

15 Example of IF statement
Behavioral description of a counter using sequential statements, observe that each argument of IF evaluates to a Boolean value

16 Example of IF statement
Remember, order in elsif is important. We discussed this example in full detail earlier Executed first

17 If statement: example of counter
The signal COUNT is of the OUT mode so it cannot be read. entity IFSTMT is port ( RSTn, CLK, EN, PL : in bit; DATA : in integer range 0 to 31; COUNT : out integer range 0 to 31); end IFSTMT; architecture RTL of IFSTMT is signal COUNT_VALUE : integer range 0 to 31; begin p0 : process (RSTn, CLK) if (RSTn = '0') then COUNT_VALUE <= 0; elsif (CLK'event and CLK = '1') then if (PL = '1') then COUNT_VALUE <= DATA; elsif (EN = '1') then if (COUNT_VALUE = 31) then COUNT_VALUE <= 0; else COUNT_VALUE <= COUNT_VALUE + 1; end if; end process; COUNT <= COUNT_VALUE; end RTL; Asynchronous reset A temporary signal COUNT_VALUE is used to calculate the COUNT value. Then COUNT_VALUE is assigned to the output port COUNT outside the process.

18 This temporary signal is assigned in architecture not in process
If statement REMEMBER THIS TYPICAL CONSTRUCTION: The signal COUNT is of the OUT mode so it cannot be read. A temporary signal COUNT_VALUE is used to calculate the COUNT value. Then COUNT_VALUE is assigned to the output port COUNT outside the process. This temporary signal is assigned in architecture not in process

19 IF statement observations
The last example shows the general principle of describing counters and “generalized registers”. We operate on the entire signal COUNT_VALUE rather than on separate bits as before. Micro-operations on the generalized register signal can be boolean, arithmetic, shift, whatever. They treat the WHOLE name, not its bits. This is a powerful principle to describe generalized registers, counters and other parts of data path. Both synchronous and asynchronous micro-operations can exist.

20 Let us observe this counter’s simulation
If statement timing 12/3/2018 R Cl D P E C 30 30 31 if (RSTn = '0') then COUNT_VALUE <= 0; elsif (CLK'event and CLK = '1') then if (PL = '1') then COUNT_VALUE <= DATA; elsif (EN = '1') then if (COUNT_VALUE = 31) then else COUNT_VALUE <= COUNT_VALUE + 1; end if; 1 2 3 Let us observe this counter’s simulation EE514

21 If statement: result of synthesis from behavioral descriptions
Discuss synthesis from behavioral descriptions in CAD systems – dangers and troubles

22 Example of If Statement Entity
In system level descriptions of descriptions of mixed digital-analog systems we may use IF statements in a very general way Description of charging Example of If Statement Entity entity NiCadCharger is port ( Voltage , Current : in real ; AC : in bit ; Charged , Recharge : out bit ) ; end entity NiCadCharger ;

23 Example of If Statement Architecture continued
Description of charging Example of If Statement Architecture continued architecture ChargerArch1 of NiCadCharger is begin Charger_A: process ( Voltage , Current , AC ) is if Voltage >= 9.6 then Charged <= ‘1’ ; Recharge <= ‘0’ ;

24 Example If Statement continued
Description of charging elseif ( AC = ‘1’ and Current < 0.5 ) then Charged <= ‘0’ ; Recharge <= ‘1’ ; else Recharge <= ‘0’ ; end process Charger_A ; end architecture ChargerArch1 ;

25 Select Conditional Statements
The Particular Value of an Expression Determines Which Statements Are Executed The Sequential Equivalent To the Select Concurrent Conditional Assignment Statement Is The Case Statement Two statements: CASE and WITH-SELECT Both use WHEN, both illustrated in next two slides

26 Select Concurrent Syntax
with expression select signal_identifier <= options selected_waveforms ; selected_waveforms <= { waveform when choices , } waveform when choices

27 Case statement Case_statement ::= case expression is
12/3/2018 Case_statement ::= case expression is when choice(s)=> sequence of sequential statements [when choices(s)=> sequence of sequential statements] end case; EE514

28 Alternatives for “choices”
simple_expression | discrete_range | element_simple_name | others ) { | ... }

29 Case Statement Particular Value of an Expression Determines Which Statements Are Executed

30 Choices in Case Statements
Locally Static, Determined During Analysis Phase Exactly One Choice for Each Possible Value of Selector Expression More Than One Choice Can Be Listed for Each “When”

31 Choices in Case Statements
Case Specification Alternatives Enumerate specific value(s) Discrete Range Subtype others Keyword Which Precedes the Alternative to Be Used If All Other Case Alternatives Fail

32 Example of Case Statement
entity Multiplexer is port ( MuxSelect : in subtype MuxType is positive range 0 to 3 ; In_0 , In_1 , In_2 , In_3 : in bit ; MuxOut : out bit ) ; end entity Multiplexer ; 4_to_1_MUX : case MuxSelect is when 0 => MuxOut <= In_0 ; when 1 => MuxOut <= In_1 ; when 2 => MuxOut <= In_2 ; when 3 => MuxOut <= In_3 ; end case 4_to_1_MUX ;

33 This example illustrates many possibilities of CASE
CASE statement This example illustrates many possibilities of CASE

34 Example of CASE statement

35 Another Example of CASE statement

36 Case statement First observe how type is declared
begin case MONTH is when FEB => if LEAP then DAYS <= 29; else DAYS <= 28; end if; when APR | JUN | SEP | NOV => DAYS <= 30; when JUL to AUG => DAYS <= 31; when others => end case; end process; end RTL; package PACK is type month_type is (JAN, FEB, MAR, APR, MAY, JUN, JUL, AUG, SEP, OCT, NOV, DEC); end PACK; use work.PACK.all; entity CASESTMT is port ( MONTH : in month_type; LEAP : in boolean; DAYS : out integer); end CASESTMT; architecture RTL of CASESTMT is begin p0 : process (LEAP, MONTH) Let us observe DAYS as a function of MONTH and LEAP

37 In this example time has no meaning, this is combinational
Case statement LEAP In this example time has no meaning, this is combinational MONTH

38 Null Statements 1. Need Method of Specifying When No Action Is to Be Performed, e.g., In Case Statement [ null_label : ] null ; 2. Use As “Stub” for Code to Be Written FlirFocus: process ( range, aperture ) begin null ; end process FlirFocus ;

39 Loop statement Loop_statement ::=
12/3/2018 Loop_statement ::= [loop_label:][while condition|for identifier in discrete_range] loop sequence of sequential statements end loop [loop_label]; EE514

40 Examples of LOOP statements

41 Loop Statements Used for Repeated Execution of Sequential Statements
Alternatives Infinite Single or multi-phase clock Whole system turned on

42 More Loop Statements Exit on condition Inner & Outer Loops Next While

43 Loop statement Example of behavioral description
loop1 : for i in 0 to 9 loop -- notice that i is local in loop1 exit loop1 when A(i) > 20; next when A(i) > 10; sum := sum + A(i); end loop loop1; if i = 20 then TOTAL <= -33; else TOTAL <= sum; end if; end process; end RTL; entity LOOPSTMT is end LOOPSTMT; architecture RTL of LOOPSTMT is type arytype is array (0 to 9) of integer; signal A : arytype := (1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 6, 7, 23, 9, 10); signal TOTAL : integer := 0; begin p0 : process (A) variable sum : integer := 0; variable i : integer := 20; sum := 0; Looping identifier, not a variable 1. Observe type declaration 2. Observe that i in loop is a different i than outside because it is 20, not 9 here 3. Observe that NEXT goes to end of loop and EXIT exits the loop. 4. Observe that variable i is constant whole time Example of behavioral description

44 Loop statement Note: The looping identifier i is not visible outside the loop statement, and the local variable i is not the same as the looping identifier. Variable i is used to assign the signal TOTAL.This value remains the same begin sum := 0; loop1 : for i in 0 to 9 loop exit loop1 when A(i) > 20; next when A(i) > 10; sum := sum + A(i); end loop loop1; if i = 20 then TOTAL <= -33; else TOTAL <= sum; end if; end process;

45 Loop statement loop1 : for i in 0 to 9 loop
entity LOOPSTMT is end LOOPSTMT; architecture RTL of LOOPSTMT is type arytype is array (0 to 9) of integer; signal A : arytype := (1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 6, 7, 23, 9, 10); signal TOTAL : integer := 0; begin p0 : process (A) variable sum : integer := 0; variable i : integer := 20; sum := 0; loop1 : for i in 0 to 9 loop -- notice that i is local in loop1 exit loop1 when A(i) > 20; next when A(i) > 10; sum := sum + A(i); end loop loop1; if i = 20 then TOTAL <= -33; else TOTAL <= sum; end if; end process; end RTL;

46 TOTAL, SUM and i as a function of a(i)
Loop statement TOTAL, SUM and i as a function of a(i) Time not important, only order of events Initial values of a(iI) New values of a(i) Sum is 23 because larger than 10 are skipped Variable i always 20, as initially asigned

47 Infinite Loop Entity, e.g.,
entity 2_Phase_Clock is port ( Clk : in bit ; Phase_1 , Phase_2 : out bit ) ; end entity 2_Phase_Clock ;

48 Infinite Loop Architecture, e.g.,
architecture 2PC of 2_Phase_Clock begin variable P1 : bit ; loop wait until Clk = ‘1’ if P1 = ‘0’ then Phase_1 <= ‘0’ ; Phase_2 <= ‘1’ ; P1 := ‘1’ ;

49 Infinite Loop Architecture, e.g.,
else Phase_1 <= ‘1’ ; Phase_2 <= ‘0’ ; P1 := ‘0’ ; end if ; end loop 2PC ; end architecture 2PC ;

50 Exit on Condition, e.g., variable String_Length : positive := 0 ;
constant String_Max : positive := 80 ; StringFill : loop wait until Char_In ; String_Length := String_Length + 1 ; exit when String_Length = String_Max ; end loop StringFill ;

51 Inner & Outer Loops for Row_Index in 1 to Row_Max Outer_Loop: loop
Inner_Loop: loop exit Outer_Loop when Pixel_In = EOF ; New_Image ( Row_index, Col_Index ) := Pixel_In ; end loop Inner_Loop ; end loop OuterLoop ; error

52 While Loop, e.g., The Loop Only Executes, and Continues to Execute, If the Boolean Expression Evaluates to True, and Continues to Be Evaluated As True. While String_Length <= String_Max String1: loop String_Length := String_Length + 1 ; end loop String1 ;

53 For Loops The Loop Variable Is of Type Constant and Hence It Cannot Be Modified Within the Loop The Loop Variable Is a Strictly Local Constant

54 Error here and previous
For Loop, e.g., for String_Index in 1 to String_Max String_Reverse : loop My_String ( String_Index ) := Buffer ( String_Max - String_Index +1 ); end loop String_Reverse ; Error here and previous

55 Next statement Jumps to the end of the loop, but next repeats the loop
SYNTAX: Next_statement ::= next [loop_label][when condition ]; Jumps to the end of the loop, but next repeats the loop Must be enclosed by a loop statement with the same loop label. The next statement applies to that loop statement. If the loop label is not specified, it always applies to the innermost level of the loop statements.

56 Examples of NEXT statement
In general good to have many labels to document program well

57 Next Loops The Next Statement Terminates Execution of the Current Iteration and Starts the Subsequent Iteration If There Is a Loop Label the Statement Applies to That Loop If There Is No Loop Label, the Statement Applies to the Inner-Most Enclosing Loop

58 Next Loop, e.g., loop_1: loop loop_2: loop something ;
next loop_1 when String_Length = 0 ; more_something ; end loop loop_2 ; end loop loop_1 ;

59 Exit_statement ::= exit [loop_label][when condition];
Must be enclosed by a loop statement with the same loop label. The exit applies to that loop statement. If the loop label is not specified, the exit always applies to the innermost level of the loop statements.

60 Example of EXIT statement
Next jumps before end of loop, exit jumps out of loop

61 Exit statement constant TABLE : matrix := entity EXITSTMT is
12/3/2018 entity EXITSTMT is end EXITSTMT; architecture BEH of EXITSTMT is type matrix is array (1 to 5, 1 to 4) of integer; constant TABLE : matrix := ( (1, 2, 3, 4), (2, 8, 1, 0), (8, 5, 3, 7), (3, 0, 2, 1), (1, 1, 0, 2) ); begin p0 : process variable NUMROW, ROWSUM : integer := 0; variable ROWDONE, ALLDONE : bit; begin ALLDONE := '0'; outloop : for i in matrix'range(1) loop ROWSUM := 0; ROWDONE := '0'; inloop : for j in matrix'range(2) loop ROWSUM := ROWSUM + TABLE (i, j); if (ROWSUM > 10) then NUMROW := NUMROW + 1; exit outloop when NUMROW = 2; exit; -- get out of inloop end if; wait for 20 ns; end loop inloop; Change after 20ns EE514

62 Set to one after every row is done
Exit statement 12/3/2018 ROWDONE := '1'; wait for 20 ns; end loop outloop; ALLDONE := '1'; wait for 60 ns; end process; end BEH; Set to one after every row is done Lasts for 20ns EE514

63 constant TABLE : matrix :=
entity EXITSTMT is end EXITSTMT; architecture BEH of EXITSTMT is type matrix is array (1 to 5, 1 to 4) of integer; constant TABLE : matrix := ( (1, 2, 3, 4), (2, 8, 1, 0), (8, 5, 3, 7), (3, 0, 2, 1), (1, 1, 0, 2) ); begin p0 : process variable NUMROW, ROWSUM : integer := 0; 12/3/2018 variable ROWDONE, ALLDONE : bit; begin ALLDONE := '0'; outloop : for i in matrix'range(1) loop ROWSUM := 0; ROWDONE := '0'; inloop : for j in matrix'range(2) loop ROWSUM := ROWSUM + TABLE (i, j); if (ROWSUM > 10) then NUMROW := NUMROW + 1; exit outloop when NUMROW = 2; exit; -- get out of inloop end if; wait for 20 ns; end loop inloop; ROWDONE := '1'; wait for 20 ns; end loop outloop; ALLDONE := '1'; wait for 60 ns; end process; end BEH; =10 NUMROW ROWDONE EE514

64 More on Assertion Statements
Assertion Statements Check Expected Conditions at Their Location in the Program. Assertion Statements Are Not “If” Statements Since They Test for the Correct, Expected Results Rather Than an Error.

65 Assertion & Report Statements
If Other Than the Expected Condition, the Report and Severity Expressions Are Executed [ assertion_label : ] assert Boolean_expression [ report expression ] [ severity expression ] ;

66 Assertion Statements Expression Must Evaluate to String
If Other Than the Expected Condition, the Report and Severity Expressions Are Executed

67 Uses of Assertion Statements
Simulation notify user when statement is executed optionally print report expression optionally print severity e.g., (note, warning, error, failure) determine whether to continue

68 Uses of Assertion Statements
Synthesis Value in assertion statement is assumed and circuit optimized on that value Verification Determine that the assertation statement is true for all possible values based on all possible routes to the statement

69 ASSERT statement

70 Example of ASSERT statement

71 Report Statement [ report_label : ] report expression
[ severity_expression ] ;

72 Report Statement A Note Is Printed Whenever the Expression Occurs
Report Always Produces a Message Useful for Tracing Values or Paths During Execution Expression Must Evaluate to String [ report_label : ] report expression [ severity expression ] ;

73 Aliases

74 Aliases

75 HW 2-11 LIBRARY ieee ; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
PACKAGE Clock_2_11_pkg IS COMPONENT Clock_2_11 --GENERIC ( ) ; PORT ( ClockOut : out bit := '0' ); END COMPONENT ; END Clock_2_11_pkg ;

76 HW 2-11 ENTITY Clock_2_11 IS -- GENERIC ( );
PORT ( ClockOut : out bit := '0' ); END Clock_2_11 ;

77 HW 2-11 ARCHITECTURE KJH_Clock OF Clock_2_11 IS BEGIN
clock_gen : PROCESS ClockOut <= '1'; WAIT FOR 10 ns ; Clockout <= '0'; WAIT FOR 10 ns ; END PROCESS clock_gen ; END KJH_Clock ;


79 Sources Prof. Krzysztof Kuchcinski
VLSI, Ohio University, Prof. Starzyk Professor K.J. Hintz. California State University Northridge

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