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SS6G8 The student will locate selected features of Europe.

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1 SS6G8 The student will locate selected features of Europe.

2 Locate on a world and regional political-physical map the countries of Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Russia, Spain, Ukraine, and United Kingdom. On your own paper, list each country plus at least two neighboring countries.

3 Locate physical features of Europe
Ural Mountains Locate physical features of Europe Scandinavian Peninsula Rhine River European Plain English Channel Write these physical features on your paper. Danube River Alps Pyrenees Iberian Peninsula Mediterranean Sea



6 The student will discuss environmental issues in Europe.
SS6G9 The student will discuss environmental issues in Europe. Explain the major concerns of Europeans regarding the issues such as acid rain in Germany, air pollution in the United Kingdom, and the nuclear disaster in Chernobyl, Ukraine.

7 Environmental Issues In Europe
Acid Rain in Germany Air Pollution in the United Kingdom Nuclear Disaster in Chernobyl, Ukraine

8 Acid Rain In Germany What is it?
Acid rain occurs when factories’ smoke or vehicles’ exhaust containing sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides go up into the atmosphere and come back down to earth in the form of harmful precipitation (rain, snow, etc.) Dry deposits also fall from the sky when there is no precipitation. It’s not acidic enough to burn your skin, but it is very harmful for the environment.

9 Acid Rain In Germany What are the causes?
The main source of acid rain is smoke from factories (burning fuels like natural gas, coal, & oil). Germany is a top manufacturing country. It leads the world in cars, steel, & chemical products. The economy depends on these factories. Cars & buses also produce harmful gases.

10 Acid Rain

11 Effects of Acid Rain What effects does acid rain have on the environment of Germany and that of neighboring countries? Damage to vegetation Damage to lakes, rivers and streams Contamination of drinking water Damage to buildings and monuments Sulfur deposits from acid rain are carried through the air causing acid rain in other countries in Europe. Causes the release of harmful substances such as aluminum into the soil Acid rain has destroyed nearly half of the Black Forest! This has really harmed Germany’s economy because one of its major natural resources is timber.

12 Acid rain in Germany Acid rain damages the waxy outer coating that protects leaves, it also harms the soil that the trees are growing in by taking most of the valuable nutrients away from the soil.

13 Acid Rain Can Cause Erosion in Stone Statues & Buildings

14 Areas Where Acid Rain Is A Major Problem
Central Europe Scandinavia Eastern North America

15 Germany’s Solution In Germany, power plants that use water power are replacing many coal-burning factories. They are developing new types of energy, such as wind turbines and solar power. Germany’s government has passed laws to reduce emissions from cars and factories.

16 Air Pollution in the United Kingdom
Many of the world’s largest and most industrialized countries are in Europe. Paris, London, Berlin, Rome, Amsterdam These cities tend to have a lot of factories, a lot of traffic, and produce a lot of air pollution. A country that has been greatly effected by this problem is the UK.

17 Air Pollution in the United Kingdom What is it?
London, the capital of UK, is famous for air pollution. The word “smog” was first used in 1905 to describe air in London (thick fog + smoke). Thick London smog happens when water in the air mixes with smoke particles from a coal fire or sunlight acting on gases from cars and factories (SMOG)

18 Effects of Smog Can kill (About 4,000 Londoners died within five days as a result of a thick smog in 1952) destroys plant life causes building materials to deteriorate faster than usual


20 London Smog

21 Air Pollution in the United Kingdom What are the causes?
In the past, the major source of air pollution was smoke from burning coal in factories. Today, exhaust from automobiles and trucks is the problem. Manufacturing

22 Air Pollution in the U.K. What effects does air pollution have on the environment of the UK and that of neighboring countries? Asthma and pneumonia are linked to vehicle emissions. It burns the lungs, nose, and eyes, and endangers human life. It also blackens buildings and harms wildlife. Air pollution is carried from the UK to other countries by air currents resulting in acid rain in those countries as well. Causes acid rain in Germany

23 United Kingdom Solutions
Cleaner coal Strict government laws on emissions Government frequently check quality of air Citizens us public transportation and less driving Use cleaner energy

24 Chernobyl, Ukraine What are the causes and what is it?
In 1986, the Soviet Union generated 10% of the world’s nuclear power. On April 26, 1986, the nuclear power plant outside of Chernobyl had one of the worst nuclear disasters in history. An explosion occurred when scientists were doing an experiment. The explosion released radioactive material into the atmosphere. The release of this material resulted in long term environmental consequences in Ukraine and other countries across Europe.

25 Nuclear disaster in Chernobyl, Ukraine
Abandoned apartments. The Plant On April 26, 1986 at 1:23 AM, a nuclear explosion took place in Reactor #4 of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant located in Ukraine. 190 Tons of highly radioactive materials were released into the atmosphere. Scientists estimate that the amount of radionucleides released into the environment is equal to twenty nuclear bombs.


27 Radiation Found In the Ground After Chernobyl Disaster

28 The Chernobyl tragedy is the largest peacetime radiation catastrophe that has ever occurred on this planet. Considered to be the worst man made nuclear disaster in world history. The Chernobyl nuclear accident is a global environmental event which has left thousands of refugees and long term contamination of the land, water and air.

29 The Cover-Up Soviet leaders concealed the accident from the public for nearly two days and refused outside help Eventually, nearby towns were evacuated Cleanup workers covered the reactor with a concrete shell

30 Effects of Chernobyl Disaster
Fallout (radioactive material) from the accident caused a number of health and environmental problems 31 people reportedly died from radiation sickness or burns increased rate of cancer, skin diseases, respiratory ailments, and heart problems Nearly nine tons of radioactive material was hurled into the sky. Over the following days, winds mostly blowing north and west, carried fallout into Belarus, as well as Russia, Poland, & other countries around the world.

31 Chernobyl, Ukraine

32 Photos of the Effects of the Chernobyl Disaster

33 Chernobyl Today…A Ghost Town

34 Amusement Park

35 Hospital (Baby Room)

36 School Classroom

37 Ukraine Solution A huge concrete dome was constructed to entomb the reactor.

38 Chernobyl Today Chernobyl continued to produce electricity for another 14 years, until international pressure forced its closure in 2000. An official exclusion zone around the plant remains in place, extending for 30 kilometers (18 miles). It is one of the most radioactive spots on Earth.

39 How do these major environmental issues effect the economies and population of Europe TODAY?
Acid Rain Damage to fish stocks and forests have great economic impact to local economy and international trade. Damage to buildings resulting in money having to be spent to renovate. Closure of many factories resulting in loss wages. What can be done? European Union members have agreed to the Kyoto Protocol, or reduce emissions of greenhouse gasses Find alternative energy sources Conserve resources Governments are also researching alternative fuel sources for cars which would lessen air pollution and acid rain. All of these “fixes” cost money!!

40 How do these major environmental issues effect the economies and population of Europe TODAY?
Air Pollution Respiratory disease= greater healthcare costs. What can be done about air pollution? Use of cleaner fuels, emission controls and advanced engine technologies. Money has to be spent on improving public transportation to reduce number of vehicles on road therefore reducing emissions.

41 How do these major environmental issues effect the economies and population of Europe TODAY?
Chernobyl People don’t really know how much damage was done. Agriculture in other parts of Europe suffered. Affected land useless in the Soviet Union. Payments to victims Loss of jobs due to closed reactors High medical costs.

42 European Union Most countries in Europe are members of a group called the European Union. Since its formation in 1993, the EU has passed policies designed to fight acid rain, improve air quality, restrict toxic waste, and reduce pollution.

43 References

44 http://player. discoveryeducation. com/index. cfm

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