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The Rufopoly Resource Kit

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Presentation on theme: "The Rufopoly Resource Kit"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Rufopoly Resource Kit
Setting boundaries and expectations

2 Where are we? ESRC Nov WP1 : Critique of Rufopoly (Survey and Group discussions) – Report WP2 : Workshops (Birmingham/Aberystwyth/Edinburgh) WP2a : Design and Build Participatory Resource Kit WP3 : Testing kit within project team and other stakeholders. +refinement WP4 Final conference to report back on user experience

3 What this project isn't A project simply about games
Improving the current ‘Rufopoly’ version A computer game sim city application An academic exercise

4 What this project is about
Addressing participatory deficits and needs Co-producing a flexible and adaptable participatory tool Using Rufopoly + game format as a catalyst for creative and critical thinking Designing and testing a resource kit with local, regional ,national and international relevance and traction.

5 Aims of todays workshop
To play around in the rural fringe (Exercise 1) To look critically at a range of adaptations of Rufopoly (Session 1) To identify your agency participatory needs and priorities (Exercise 2) To “play around” again (lunch) WP 1 report summary (surveys and group discussions) on Rufopoly (Session 2 ) To co-design a specification for the core team to build the resource kit. (Exercise 3)

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