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Contracts A Step by Step Guide.

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Presentation on theme: "Contracts A Step by Step Guide."— Presentation transcript:

1 Contracts A Step by Step Guide

2 Becoming a OCP Tiered Member
What do I have to sign to become an OCP Tiered Member? Questions to ask: What kind of member do I want to be? See OCP Tiered Membership Explained Presentation. Once decided, then I need to sign both the Membership Agreement and Logo Usage Policy. Step 1 OCP Tiered Membership Agreement Click Here Step 2 OCP Tiered Membership Logo Usage Policy

3 Membership Policies and Bylaws
Here are some great documents to help you understand OCP and what it means to become a member Tiered Membership Policy Articles of Incorporation Bylaws IP Policy Trademark Usage Guidelines

4 Thinking about Contributing?

5 So many ways to contribute….
Specifications - can be submitted without design files Design Files* Reference Architectures* - such as software validations, certifications Products for OCP Product Recognition Program Tested Configurations of OCP Products (HW/SW) Partial Credit *Must be based on a current approved specification

6 Do you have a Spec Contribution?
Step 1 OCP Tiered Membership Agreement ✅ Click Here Step 2 OCP Tiered Membership Logo Usage Policy ✅ Step 3 OCP Copyright License Agreement ✅ Step 4 Contributor/Contribution Licensing Agreement (CLA)* Click Here for OWF-CLA or Click Here for OCP-CLA Questions to ask: Spec or Design or both? Have I met the prerequisites? Am I an OCP Tiered Member? Am I an OCP Tiered Member in good standing? If yes, then I need to sign a Copyright Licensing Agreement and a CLA.

7 What is a Copyright Licensing Agreement?
A Copyright Licensing Agreement allows OCP to publish/distribute any correspondence associated with your contribution: s Checklists Presentations & Diagrams Design Files & Supporting Information Documents Where will we publish it? Throughout our community via Publish it on our WIKI page Publish it on our website If solution provider, then market it on OCP Marketplace A CRLA must be signed for EACH contribution and for each Product.

8 What is a Contribution Licensing Agreement ?
A contribution license agreement is often referred to as an “inbound” license. This is what you as the Contributor will need to sign in order to give OCP a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, irrevocable license to reproduce, prepare derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform, and distribute the Contribution as part of the Specification, in connection with the specification approval process. By signing the CLA, this is your promise to anyone using your Contribution via OCP, that you will not sue for patent infringement. In other words you are agreeing to a “patent non-assert.” A CLA must be signed for EACH spec and EACH Design that is contributed. A company can not sign one (1) CLA for all contributions submitted. The Foundation must make these available to the public so that the Community can know that the Contributor has agreed to “patent non- assert.”

9 Accepted CLAs – Only One is Required
Open Compute Project CLA (OCP-CLA) Reference must be included for a Permissive or Reciprocal License. This CLA combined with the reference above completes the contract required for a Contribution to be made available to the public and how it will be governed. Must be signed for each design and/or each spec contributed. Contributions may not be combined Open Web Foundation CLA (OWF- CLA) This CLA combined with the OWFa 1.0 Final Specification Agreement completes the contract stack for a Contribution to be made available to the public and how it will be governed. Both must be executed. Must be signed for each design and/or each spec contributed. Contributions may not be combined

10 For an OCP CLA, how will the Contribution be governed?
You as the Licensor need to pick a license to govern your Specification or Design Contribution to the Foundation. This is often referred to as your “outbound” license. This is what governs how the Community will use your Contribution. You as the Licensor do NOT sign the license. However, you will need to pick what license best represents how you want Licensees (those using your Contribution) to be able to use your Specification or Design.

11 HW Licenses Defined Step 5 Hardware License
Option 1: Click Here for OCPHL-P or Option 2: Click Here for OCPHL-R OCP Hardware License – Permissive (OCPHL-P) Use this license if you are planning on sharing full design files but you do not require anyone who uses your Contribution to give back to the Community. This license is similar to the Apache License. OCP Hardware License – Reciprocal (OCPHL-R) Use this license if you are planning on sharing full design files AND you REQUIRE that those who innovate/modify/create a derivative of your Contribution share their changes with the Community. Please note that some manufacturers may not be amenable to “sharing their modifications” to any specifications or designs that are under the OCPHL-R license. This license is similar to the GPLv2 License. REMEMBER: You as the Contributor decide how you want the Licensee to use your Contribution. The OCP Foundation does NOT tell you how to license your Contribution. We will ask you questions about your intent and help you best decide on what will work for you and your organization.

12 SW Licenses (If needed)
Step 6 Software License Click Here for any OSI (Open Source Initiative) Approved License Some examples of SW licenses are: GNU Apache Creative Commons

13 Do you have a Product to submit?
Step 1 OCP Tiered Membership Agreement ✅ Click Here Step 2 OCP Tiered Membership Logo Usage Policy Click Here ✅ Step 3 Copyright License Agreement (CRLA) Click Here ✅ Step 4 Is Product being recognized as OCP Inspired™ or OCP Accepted™? Questions to ask: Have I met the prerequisites? Am I an OCP Tiered Member? Am I an OCP Tiered Member in good standing? Have I signed a CRLA to allow redistribution of my Product? Which existing approved spec is my Product based on?? All Products must be based on an existing approved spec.

14 OCP InspiredTM or OCP AcceptedTM Recognition?
Questions to ask: Which existing approved spec is my product based on? Which recognition is my product eligible for - OCP InspiredTM or OCP AcceptedTM ? OCP InspiredTM – design files are proprietary. OCP AcceptedTM – 100% open Pick Appropriate Option. Step 5 Option 1 OCP InspiredTM Recognition Click Here for OCP InspiredTM Certification Mark Agreement Step 5 Option 2 OCP Accepted Recognition Click here for OCP AcceptedTM Certification Mark Agreement OCP Logo Usage – This allows you and your organization permission to use the OCP InspiredTM or OCP AcceptedTM Logos on your website product pages and printed collateral indicating that a product has met the requirements to be recognized as such.. Please note the logo can NOT be used as a sticker for hardware.

15 Do you have another type of Contribution?
Step 1 OCP Tiered Membership Agreement ✅ Click Here Step 2 OCP Tiered Membership Logo Usage Policy ✅ Step 3 Copyright Licensing Agreement Questions to ask: White Paper/Case Study/Reference Architecture/ Testimonial Have I met the prerequisites? Am I an OCP Tiered Member? Am I an OCP Tiered Member in good standing? If yes, then I need to sign a Copyright Licensing Agreement.

16 How do I become an OCP Solution Provider?
Questions to ask: Do I want my Products to be listed in the OCP Marketplace? Have I met the prerequisites? Am I an OCP Tiered Member? Am I an OCP Tiered Member in good standing? If yes, then I need to sign the Copyright License Agreement (CRLA) and the OCP Solution Provider Agreement. Step 1 OCP Tiered Membership Agreement Click Here✅ Step 2 OCP Tiered Membership Logo Usage Policy Click Here ✅ Step 3 Copyright License Agreement (CRLA) Step 4 OCP Solution Provider Agreement Click Here

17 Still have questions? Questions about Membership?
Contact Michael Schill Cell: Questions about Project Communities and how to get involved? Contact Archna Haylock Cell:

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