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Cell Analogy Project Use an analogy to create an artistic piece of the organelles in a cell. You may use either a plant or an animal cell. CREATE a chart.

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Presentation on theme: "Cell Analogy Project Use an analogy to create an artistic piece of the organelles in a cell. You may use either a plant or an animal cell. CREATE a chart."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cell Analogy Project Use an analogy to create an artistic piece of the organelles in a cell. You may use either a plant or an animal cell. CREATE a chart (example below) to organize your organelles and analogies. CREATE a picture of your analogy. LABEL your analogies with the cell organelle names. Turn in your chart attached to your picture (in color). The following organelles must be present in your work: Nucleus, mitochondria, lysosome, rough AND smooth endoplasmic reticulum (E.R), Golgi ,ribosome, cell membrane, cytoplasm. - If you chose an animal cell also include: Flagella or cilia, Centriole - If you chose a plant cell also include: Cell wall, chloroplast, large vacuole

2 In a blank piece of paper, write down as below:
My cell is like a: (WRITE ANALOGY NAME) ______________ I will be working with a: (pick one): ANIMAL CELL / PLANT CELL ORGANELLE (use the ones listed in your instructions) FUNCTION IN CELL ANALOGY WHY ANALOGY WORKS Get your teacher’s signature before moving on. _____________

3 Cell analogy: a high school

4 Cell analogy: a city

5 Cell analogy: a ship

6 Cell analogy: town

7 Cell analogy: a purse

8 Cell analogy: a garden

9 Cell analogy: a prison

10 Cell analogy: a computer


12 Value is the darkness or lightness of color.
What is Contrast? Contrast is simply defined as difference.  Today you will be working with COLOR to create contrast. complementary colors provide a high level of contrast.  Complementary colors are colors that are located directly across from each other on the color wheel.  Value is the darkness or lightness of color.  Without contrast in value, is counter-productive.

13 Contrast video

14 Contrast images

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