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Cells An introduction to structures and functions of cells and their main parts.

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Presentation on theme: "Cells An introduction to structures and functions of cells and their main parts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cells An introduction to structures and functions of cells and their main parts.

2 Cell Theory The Cell Theory states:
All living organisms are composed of cells. They may be unicellular or multicellular. The cell is the basic unit of life. Cells arise from pre-existing cells.

3 Types of Cells Identify: Bacterial cell Plant cell Animal cell

4 1. Cell Wall A) function: physical protection & structural support
B) Structure: wall surrounding cell Has holes like windows in a wall C) Macromol. = cellulose

5 A cell is found to have a nucleus and a cell wall
A cell is found to have a nucleus and a cell wall. Which type of cell(s) can it not be. Plant Animal Bacteria

6 2. Cell Membrane Phospholipids
A) function: controls what enters and leaves cell B) Structure: flexible lining just inside cell wall C) Macromol. Phospholipids Proteins

7 3. Nucleus A) Structure: 1) Nuclear envelope = double layer of
membrane around nucleus 2) Nuclear pores = holes in envelope 3) Chromosomes = DNA inside nucleus 4) Nucleolus = area full of ribosome parts

8 B) Function: Store DNA & direct cell
C) Macromol. Phospholipids, proteins Nucleic acids

9 4.Cytoplasm A) function: every thing that happenes between cell membrane and nucleus B) Structure: 1) all organelles between nucleus and cell membrane 2) all fluid that fills cell = hyaloplasm C) Macromol. : all

10 5. Ribosome 1) Connect amino acids in correct order
A) function: make proteins 1) Connect amino acids in correct order 2) Follow directions from RNA B) Structure: 2 subunits 1) Protien subunit 2) RNA subunit C) Macromol. : protein & nucleic acid

11 6 Mitochondrion 1) Oval outer membrane
A- Function: Cellular Respiration 1)Uses O2 to burn glucose & give cell energy 2) O2 + glucose  CO2 and energy B- Structure 1) Oval outer membrane 2) Folded inner membrane Folds called cristae C- Macromolecules: Phospholipids, protein, nucleic acids

12 7. Chloroplasts 2) CO2 + H2O  Glucose + O2
A- Function: Photosynthesis 1) Coverts solar Energy into chemical energy 2) CO2 + H2O  Glucose + O2 B- Structure: 1) Oval outer membrane 2) Grana = stacks of thylakoid disks C- Macromolecules: Phospholipids, protein, nucleic acids

13 8. Vacuole A- Function: storage & support (plants)
B- Structure: membrane full of water and molecules or food C- Macromolecules: phospholipids, protiens

14 9. Lysosome A- Function: digest food/break down old organelles & macromolecules (hydrolysis) B- Structure: membrane bubble full of enzymes C- Macromolecules phospholipids, proteins (enzymes)

15 Endomembrane System Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum Vesicle Golgi Apparatus Lysosome Vesicle Vesicle Plasma Membrane


17 10. Golgi Body A- Function: 1) adds sugars & lipids to proteins
2) makes complex carbohydrates B- Structure: 1) flat membrane pockets 2) filled with enzymes C- Macromolecules phospholipids, proteins

18 11. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
A- Function: Fold & transport proteins B- Structure: 1) Tunnels made of membrane 2) lots of enzymes 3) ribosomes C- Macromol.: phospholipids, proteins

19 12. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
A- Function: Transport molecules & Detox B- Structure: Membrane tunnels full of enzymes C- Macromol.: phospholipids, proteins

20 13. Cytoskeleton A- Function: 1) internal support
2) move organelles & vessicles B- Structure: Framework of microtubules and motor proteins C- Macromolecules protein


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