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Speed-a-way April Poole HPE 324.

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Presentation on theme: "Speed-a-way April Poole HPE 324."— Presentation transcript:

1 Speed-a-way April Poole HPE 324

2 History A combination of the sports soccer, basketball and football.
Speed-a-way is mostly used in high school physical education classes. There are no pro leagues of this sport. There are two teams competing.

3 Equipment Ball Football or soccer field Two goals
Two teams with eleven players with same positions as soccer.

4 Facility Requirements
The size of a football or soccer field with the same regulations and having an out of bounds. If its inclement weather then the game may have to be played in the gym. Goals are required to be on the field. Referees are needed to call the game.

5 Skills Dribbling Kicking Punting Running Passing

6 Rules Kicking in from out of bounds the defender must stay back five yards. During a kick off, goal kick, corner and free kick the defenders must stand ten yards back. If the ball touches the ground it may not be picked back up. Although they may kick the ball in the air to be caught or you may hold the ball between both feet and jump to catch it. If a defender tags the offensive player he/she must stop and drop the ball immediately and play the ball as a grounder.

7 Additional Information
Scoring may be from a touchdown, field goal, or drop kick. Speed-a-way can also be played in a gym. Passes are made with two hands in front of their head. The goalies are the only ones who can pick the ball off.


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