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2 Introduction This presentation aims to introduce COMEXT standalone software and to show how to use the basic procedures by using the local COMEXT Database and extracting data in various formats. The main objectives of this presentation are the following: Installing and running the COMEXT standalone version. Create plans and query the local COMEXT Database. Consult the result and export it to other applications like MS Excel. Extract data under different formats: Print, Generate Table, Dump. 2

3 COMEXT Database The COMEXT Database makes available to its users the data on external trade collected and processed by EU Member States and more than 100 other countries, including CCs, MED, West Balkan, TACIS, U.S.A., Japan and EFTA. COMEXT offers access to several types of data from various sources (EU, UN, IMF etc.) and with different structures corresponding to the different nomenclatures/classifications such as CN, SITC Rev2, SITC Rev3 … via a unique interrogation interface. It is accessible to the staff of EC, European Institutions, National and Regional authorities and to certain external users. The COMEXT SA is a light version of Comext DB (Eurostat reference system for External Trade data) and it has the same functionality and features as COMEXT online. Internet version: 3

4 Comext Standalone browser
Comext Standalone is an On Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) tool that allows to extract and analyze data in real time. It is based on a three tier architecture which consists of the consultation client application, analytical server and a statistical data warehouse (compressed format). The consultation client application and the analytical server interact through a Client-Server model. The statistical data warehouse consists of a semantic layer of statistical concepts and database component for data storage. The main features of Comext Standalone browser are: Multidimensional and virtual spreadsheet to browser up to 1 GB of data Integration with MS Excel OLAP engine to perform aggregation and/or combine data among different nomenclatures on the fly Multilingual nomenclatures View and filter data sets Export data in a large variety of formats 4

5 1. Installing the CD To get started:
Insert the CD (the setup file is automatically executed); Select your preferred language and follow the installation instructions; If the select language dialog does not appear, double click on cxtsetup.exe icon in order to launch the installation of Comext SA. 5

6 2. How to Create a Plan In order to define which information must be extracted from the base, the Comext user must create an “Extraction Plan” which is a group of parameters/dimensions. Steps: 1. From the main menu click on “Plan - New Plan” or click on the icon 2. Select the reference dataset; 3. Type the name of the plan e.g. “Example”; 4. Click “OK” button to continue. 6

7 2.1 Select the Dimensions After selecting the dataset, the “Dimensions” window will automatically appear. The content of the “Dimensions” will vary according to each dataset chosen. 1. Double click on “DECLARANT” to select the reporting countries. The Declarant is the country that collects, compiles and sends the data (source) to Eurostat. 2. Double click on “PARTNER” to select the partner countries. For exports and re-exports, this is the country of destination; in the case of imports, the partner country refers to the country of origin. 7

8 Economic Zones Geographical Zones
The Comext user can chose a single country or a group of countries by selecting one by one or using aggregates (AGG) and/or userlists (USL). USERLIST list of codes belonging to the same nomenclature AGGREGATE group of selected codes that are treated as a single entity (total) Some AGG and USL, according to the definition of Economic zones and Geographical zones, are created and disseminated by Eurostat. Economic Zones Geographical Zones 1021 = European Free Trade Association 1051 = Mediterranean basin countries 1110 = European Union (15) 1113 = Euro-zone (12) 1115 = European Economic Area 1130 = Candidate countries 1815 = Commonwealth of Independent States ... 1000 = World 5100 = Europe 5200 = Africa 5300 = America 5400 = Asia 5500 = Oceania & Polar regions ... 8

9 3. Double click on “PRODUCT” to select the commodity codes.
According to the dataset selected, the detailed results are broken down by different classifications, e.g.: - EEC Special Trade  Combined Nomenclature (8 digits); - EU Enlargement  Combined Nomenclature (8 digits); - COMTRADE HS  Harmonized System (6 digits); - TACIS  Harmonized System (6 digits); - MEDITERRANEA  Harmonized System (6 digits); - EFTA  Harmonized System (6 digits); - COMTRADE SITC rev3  SITC rev 3 (5 digits); - USA trade  National nomenclature (10 digits); - … The TOTAL trade as well as the aggregate levels of the commodities (HS6, HS4, chapter 2, sections … ) are always available. 9

10 Filters The search for a product may be painstaking when working with nomenclatures comprising more than 10,000 codes, as in the case of the NC. With the COMEXT system, it is possible to introduce filters (by activating the button “Filter”) in order to narrow the field of investigation of the system and speed up your work. 2 ways to find and select the data: 1. On Code search the codes corresponding to a given mask using specific characters; search for a range of codes. 2. On Label search for codes corresponding to a given mask using specific characters. Note: A ? (question mark) is used to mask one position of the code or label whereas a * (asterisk) is used to mask one or more positions. 10

11 4. Double click on “FLOW” to select the trade flow.
1 = imports (the value is expressed in CIF); 2 = exports (the value is expressed in FOB); 3 = re-exports (the value is expressed in FOB). 5. Double click on “STAT_PROCEDURE” to select the statistical procedure applied to a particular item of trade. 6. Double click on “PERIOD” to select the period. The frequency depends of the data transmitted by the reporting country. It could be on monthly, quarterly, six-monthly or annual basis. The user can always select the period to be analyzed by using the USL and/or AGG. 7. Double click on “INDICATORS” to determine the unit of the required result. Generally the available indicators are the following: values in 1000 EURO, quantities by TON or 100 KG and supplementary quantities. 11

12 2.2 Save the Plan When all dimensions have been selected, save the plan on the PC by clicking, from the menu bar, on “Plan” and then on “Save”. 12

13 3. View of the Comext Extraction
Now the user can either consult the Comext extraction on the screen clicking on: 1. “Extract” from the main menu or using the icon; 2. “Completed Work” to open the result or using the icon; 3. “Completed Extractions, Prints and Dumps” and “Spreadsheet” option; and then export into to Excel what really is needed or define table forms which will be automatically applied to the extracted data. 13

14 4. Formats for an Comext extraction
Comext allows to export the selected data in several formats by clicking on “Completed Extractions, Prints and Dump” from the main menu and then choosing one between the following options: PRINT DUMP GENERATE TABLE 14

15 Questions?

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