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Brevard Effective Strategies for Teaching Instructional Strategies Module Five.

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Presentation on theme: "Brevard Effective Strategies for Teaching Instructional Strategies Module Five."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brevard Effective Strategies for Teaching Instructional Strategies Module Five

2 Desired Outcomes: Understanding of Research-Based Instructional Strategies Comprehend and Apply Four Instructional Strategies –Setting Objectives and Providing Feedback –Generating and Testing Hypothesis –Questions, Cues and Advance Organizers –Cooperative Learning Applying Strategies for ALL Learners Integrating Technology

3 Module 1 Why Module 6 Lesson Design Module 5 Instructional Strategies Module 4 Assessment Module 3 Classroom Organization Module 2 Multiple Intelligences BEST

4 These strategies are tools to… Highly engage all students for increased learning Develop higher level thinking and deeper understanding of concepts NOT ONE SIZE FITS ALL

5 Number Search Do not look at your paper! When time begins, circle numbers in order (1, 2, 3 etc) You will have 30 seconds to find the numbers. Ready, set….

6 Marzanos Nine Instructional Strategies Research-based A high correlation with student achievement A connection between what we know works and classroom instruction

7 Nine Instructional Strategies Identifying similarities and differences Summarizing and note taking Nonlinguistic representation Homework and practice Reinforcing effort and providing recognition Setting objectives and providing feedback Generating and testing hypotheses Questions, cues, and advance organizers Cooperative learning

8 Identifying Similarities and Differences Comparisons Classifying Metaphors Analogies

9 Summarizing and Note Taking Delete, keep, substitute information Analysis of information

10 Non-linguistic Kinesthetic Mental models Graphic organizers

11 Homework and Practice Purpose Feedback Minimal parental involvement

12 Reinforcing effort and Providing Recognition Symbolic rather than tangible Pause, prompt, praise Celebrate the learning and effort

13 Your Turn At your tables, create a graphic organizer Choose two strategies to compare Identifying similarities and differences Summarizing and note taking Nonlinguistic representation Homework and practice Reinforcing effort and providing recognition

14 A closer look Setting Objectives and Providing Feedback Generating and Testing Hypothesis Questions, Cues, and Advanced Organizers Cooperative Learning

15 Setting Objectives Can you imagine????

16 Setting Objectives & Providing Feedback Learning goals Student driven Feedback is timely and corrective

17 Setting Objectives What it looks like: Specific and flexible Narrows what students focus on Students should create personal goals based on teacher-created goals Students understand how the objective connects to the lesson

18 Setting Objectives What it does not look like: –Too narrow or specific (focused on a detail) – An activity to be completed –Owned by ONLY the teacher

19 Too Narrow or Too Broad? 1.Students will complete main idea summary. 2.Students will write two reasons for the Civil War in their support journals.

20 Learning Objective The students will apply technology skills to research new medical innovations in the 21 st century.

21 Video Clip for Setting Objectives and Providing Feedback

22 Student-Created Learning Objective To increase my understanding........ To increase my ability............. To create........... To develop............ To learn [how to, the relationship between X and Y, about]............ To research............ To improve.........

23 Providing Feedback What does it look like? Timely Specific to a set criterion Focused on improvement Reflection and self assessment for student

24 Providing Feedback What does it look like? Constructive and helpful feedback Formative assessment guides instruction and informs the students of their level of understanding It is a GPS- Tells you where you are and guides you to where you are trying to go

25 Feedback What it does not look like? Criticism Summative Only-not just a unit test General Just marking right or wrong

26 Research Results for Corrective Feedback

27 Feedback Formal –Rubric –Narrative comments –Portfolios Informal –Conferencing –On-the-spot reinforcement

28 When setting and communicating learning objectives, I believe my students… Can explain their learning, not just the activity they are doing. Can personalize the learning goals.

29 When providing feedback to my students, I believe they… Understand their progress as it relates to the learning goals Use the information to improve their learning

30 Tying it Together Standards Objectives –Teacher and Student Feedback –Teacher and Student

31 Connections for Learning Student Response Systems Thumbs up, thumbs down White boards Student-Driven Portfolios –Electronic –Paper Copy Wikis and Blogs KWL



34 Praise Question Polish (PQP) Turn to your neighbor Write a learning objective together Join forces with another pair Each pair shares their objective Take turns PRAISING, QUESTIONING, and POLISHING

35 Generalizing and Testing Hypotheses Hook video

36 Generating and Testing Hypotheses System analysis Problem solving Invention & inquiry

37 Generating and Testing Hypotheses What it looks like? –Relevant to all subjects –Investigation or inquiry –Predictions Deductive Reasoning-making a prediction about a future action or event Inductive Reasoning-drawing conclusion based on what you know or will know

38 Generating and Testing Hypotheses What it does not look like –Only ONE answer –Correct answer before research or investigation

39 Structured Tasks for Generating and Testing Hypothesis Sy stems Analysis Problem Solving Historical Investigation Invention Experimental Inquiry Decision Making

40 Generating and Testing Hypotheses Video of example-not in science

41 Making Connections Virtual Field Trips Socratic Seminar Science Research Probability in Math Social Studies-Past and History Past to Present- Social Studies DBQ (Document Based Questions)

42 Questions, Cues, and Advance Organizers Wait time Focus on important points Textual or factual support

43 Read the quote-what will be the ending? Write you answer down. As a kid, I learned that my brother and I could walk forever on a railroad track and never fall off if we just… Steve Potter

44 Go to the corner that is closest to your prediction. One corner is set aside for those who had something completely different. How does your quote differ from the actual quote? What does it mean?

45 Questions, Cues and Advance Organizer Develop a KWL or a Circle Map Three Sections –What do you Know –What do you Want to Know –What did you Learn (to be completed later) KWLKWL

46 Questions and Cues What it looks like –Focus on what is important as opposed to what is unusual –Deepens thinking Wait time Higher level questions –Questions used to establish a mental model before a learning experience

47 Question Starters Why do you think… Describe… How do you feel… What was your reaction… How would you… Where did you… WRITE YOUR OWN STARTER-SHARE WITH THE TABLE

48 Advance Organizers What it looks like Prior to learning Expository – stick to the facts Narrative- story format Personal story shared that relates to topic Skimming- before learning, big ideas Graphic organizer-Created by the teacher to see the whole picture

49 Questions and Cues and Advance Organizers What it does not look like: A yes or no answer Final copy Graded piece Assessment An interrogation

50 Questions, Cues and Advance Organizers Video

51 Connections CRISS and NICK Strategies Thinking Maps Digital Photography Distance Learning- example NASA Field Trip (speakers)

52 Questions, Cues and Organizers Complete what you Learned in the KWL or Circle Map

53 No one can be the best at everything. But when we combine our talents, we can and will be the best at virtually anything. Dan Zadra

54 Math Challenge Math Activity Three sections of math Time to test your math skills!

55 Cooperative learning Small groups Specific directions Structured

56 Cooperative Learning The most research-based strategy that improves learning. Students work together to accomplish a common goal.

57 Cooperative Learning Key Concepts Positive Interdependence Individual Accountability Equal Participation Simultaneous Interaction Group Processing (Marzano)

58 Cooperative Learning Groups –Informal –Formal

59 Cooperative Learning What it does not look like Chaos Group work with no structure/accountability Hogs and logs

60 If we are to live and work together, we have to talk to each other. Eleanor Roosevelt

61 Cooperative Learning video

62 Connections Thinking Maps Cognitive Academic Language Learner Approach (CALLA) Webquest Creating Digital Stories Animoto PhotoStory Digital Language Experience Approach (D- LEA)

63 Give One Take One Idea 1 Idea 2 Idea 3 Idea 4

64 ESOL instructional strategies: Total Physical Response (TPR) by Asher Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach (CALLA) by Chamot and OMalley Language Experience Approach (LEA) Communicative Approach

65 Key Concepts Marzanos Nine Instructional Strategies Todays focus: –Setting Objectives and Providing Feedback –Generalizing and Testing Hypothesis –Questions, Cues and Advance Organizers –Cooperative Learning

66 Whats Next Determine school and teacher needs for Professional learning Community Examine resources Apply strategies and refine methods

67 Education is not preparation for life, education is life itself. John Dewey

68 What Works in Schools: Translating Research into Action; Marzano (2003) Classroom Instruction that Works: Research Based Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement; Marzano, Pickering, & Pollock (2001)

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