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Connecting California

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1 Connecting California
Good morning, I would like to spend the last 10 minutes of the call updating you on the work that HealthTech has been comissioned to do in California. Lori Hack, Interim CEO Third Annual Connecting Communities Learning Forum & Exhibition Washington, DC 4/10/06

2 The Vision When I go to see my doctor, she or he will have all the information needed right on the spot. I won't have to fill in any more forms, lab tests won't be repeated. My doctor will know if I've been to see another doctor, or to a hospital, and what medicines I'm taking.

3 The Vision I have my own personal health record, that I can access on my home computer or as a printed record. It has all the latest information needed about my medical history current conditions medicines I'm taking the doctors caring for me information about my medical conditions

4 The Vision If I'm taken to the hospital in an emergency, all the information needed to take care of me will be available - within seconds.

5 The Vision If there is a public health emergency.…my records will be available to treat me or my family at any location.

6 National HIT Picture Federal advocacy for health care IT
Secretary Leavitt a strong proponent Limited federal funding Re-structuring the market Establishing standards Privacy and security legislation Safe harbor Accrediting products as standard-compatible Stimulating national ‘highway’ Congressional stampede 10 bills Congress – Bi-partisan Support for HIT 10 bills introduced -Sen. Finance and HELP jointly introduced bills Ways and Means Committee bill -Bi-partisan sponsors: Frist/Clinton; Reps Kennedy (D) /Murphy (R); Reps Gonzalez (D)/McHugh (R) -Legislative themes: Need to accelerate adoption through key policies related to interoperability and data standards, privacy and security, the role of the Federal government, and funding. -Legislation introduced on Katrina relief and electronic health records (EHRs) -Previously $10.8M to eHealth Initiative Foundation

7 Mission A collaborative statewide initiative to improve the safety, quality, and efficiency of health care through the use of information technology and the secure exchange of health information.

8 Purpose Independent umbrella organization
Incrementally build a statewide HIE Establish a common approach Sponsor pilots and demonstration projects Ensure inclusion of safety providers and underserved populations Build on regional and national efforts; ensure consistency with national technology platforms Identify and support legislation and regulation necessary

9 Statewide Highway for Patient Query and Record Locator
Large RHIO A Found 3 National Health Information Network CalRHIO A - 18 Payers found 15 B - 7 Routes to NHIN: Direct connect Via RHIO Via Tool kit Little RHIO B Found 1 Medical Groups/ IPA/ MSO 6 Community A Community B Multi-Community RHIO Found 12 C -1 2 Community C

10 Privacy and Security RFP: California’s Response
CalRHIO with CalOHI (Office of HIPAA Implementation) developed joint response to RTI Funding from RTI to California will total $350,000 - matching funds needed Steering Committee made up of State and CalRHIO stakeholders Project to cover 12 months with 3 reports and 1 national meeting to discuss results

11 CalRHIO Statewide Projects
Emergency Department Linking Project Enable EDs to access vital information Medication Management Medication history – first to EDs, then to Personal Health Records Personal Health Records Starting with key populations Infrastructure Statewide eMPI Administrative Efficiencies Assist safety net, rural providers Emergency Department Linking Project Electronically link CA’s 359 hospital EDs using statewide eMPI and sharing lab and pharmacy results starting pilot data exchange in first quarter (ED Project Team/Clinical WG) Administrative Efficiencies Improve connectivity and data exchange among business partners –hospitals, plans, physician offices, registries, public health departments. (Business & Finance WG) Medication Management Explore collection and display of medication history to EDs by 2006, then roll out to PHR for every Californian by (Clinical WG) Personal Health Records PHR for every Californian by 2007, starting with key populations (Dept of Corrections, Child Services, ED “Home” Projects.) To support giving consumers direct access to their health information. (Clinical WG and Consumer Council) Infrastructure Explore statewide eMPI. Additionally: Support regional efforts for HIE and RHIO formation; define how stakeholders can connect and exchange information statewide; support EHR adoption; connect to NHIN. (Technology WG)

12 Emergency Dept Linkage
Testing assumptions on a manageable scale Objective: Enable EDs to access critical clinical information from key data sources Issued RFI – February 9; due March 15 – see Seeking broad technology solutions, little prescription Pilot test, three or more business associates in two to three regions/communities Test ground for the larger CalRHIO effort, and an early demonstration of success that is meaningful to patients, providers, and hospitals. The knowledge and technology solutions will be leveraged for other projects and our broader goal. The ED Linking Project enables us to test technology assumptions on a manageable scale, and identify problems that will need to be addressed in the larger RHIO effort. We also will demonstrate patient privacy and security solutions necessary for any larger effort to succeed and begin to model the establishment of service level requirements and service expectations. Importantly, we will demonstrate our commitment and ability to work together across organizations to address data sharing needs for improving patient care.  An RFI will be issued in February 2006 to better understand the potential approaches and solutions available in the marketplace, as well as cost. From the RFI, vendors will be selected to participate in a technology test and run pilots. Results of the pilots will be analyzed to determine the best statewide approach(es) to providing the kinds of information emergency physicians need at point of care.

13 Standalone Project Scope
California Participant Overview State-wide Standalone Project Scope Participant Type Universe ED LInk Med Mgmt Admin Efficiency Physicians 50,000 Hospitals 370 Emergency Departments 277 Independent Labs 500 Independent Radiology 503 Chain Pharmacies 3,098 Independent Pharmacies 2,082 Nursing Homes 1,084 Home Health Agencies 834 Insurers 22 Rx data will be obtained from insurers and PBMs (requiring one interface)

14 Action Items: A Full Plate!
Privacy and Security CalRHIO working w/CalOHI Publish HIE data and message standards Complete data sharing agreement template Complete business case analysis ED Linking Project - launch pilot “solution” PHR consumer comparison tool Define technical highway “infrastructure” incrementally Education: state, county, consumers Maintain initiative inventory

15 Resources available to you
Web site All mtg minutes and presentations for first year Governance documents for options to organize Data standards recommendations Clinical minimum data set Technology strategy “road map” (coming) Architectural options Personal Health Records – evaluation criteria (coming) Business cases/ROI (coming)

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