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Preparing a Diverse Population for Work.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing a Diverse Population for Work."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing a Diverse Population for Work.
PROFESSIONAL-TECHNICAL CERTIFICATION SYSTEM REVIEW A step by step guide for Deans Preparing a Diverse Population for Work.

2 WAC Washington Administrative Code requires certification for all full-time, and some part-time, professional-technical instructors. WAC Maintaining and improving certification competencies for professional-technical administrators and instructors. Preparing a Diverse Population for Work.

3 Review status of instructors quarterly
Step 1 The chief workforce administrator’s (VPI) office establishes instructor and dean accounts Deans: Review status of instructors quarterly Review and approve instructor self-assessments after submitted Review and approve instructor professional development plans after submitted Review and approve PDP Activity Completion form presented by instructor upon completion of activity and then forward to the Office of Instruction. Preparing a Diverse Population for Work.

4 Prof-Tech Instructor Certification Process Flowchart
Preparing a Diverse Population for Work.

5 Step 2 Preparing a Diverse Population for Work.

6 Step 3 Preparing a Diverse Population for Work.

7 Step 4 Preparing a Diverse Population for Work.

8 Step 5 Preparing a Diverse Population for Work.

9 Step 6 Preparing a Diverse Population for Work.

10 Step 7 Preparing a Diverse Population for Work.

11 Step 8 Preparing a Diverse Population for Work.

12 Step 9 Preparing a Diverse Population for Work.

13 Step 10 Preparing a Diverse Population for Work.

14 Step 11 Preparing a Diverse Population for Work.

15 Step 12 Preparing a Diverse Population for Work.

16 Step 13 Preparing a Diverse Population for Work.

17 Step 14 Preparing a Diverse Population for Work.

18 Step 15 Preparing a Diverse Population for Work.

19 Preparing a Diverse Population for Work.

20 Problems with the system?
Feel free to contact me..... Jamie McGinnis Or Greg Gamble SBCTC – Olympia Preparing a Diverse Population for Work.

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