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The Continuing Fight For Equality

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1 The Continuing Fight For Equality
How does struggle for equal rights continue?

2 Feminism 1960s: Betty Friedan writes The Feminine Mystique, which discusses unhappiness amongst housewives Book also discusses how women lack opportunity & are portrayed by media as only suited for housework & motherhood Awakening amongst feminists begins

3 Women Organize Freidan & others start National Organization for Women (NOW) Goals: 1) Child care to allow women to work 2) end gender discrimination in society (esp workplace) Ex: NOW protests Miss America pageant in Atlantic City 1971: Gloria Steinem forms more moderate organization called National Women’s Political Caucus Starts Ms. Magazine to bring women’s issues to mainstream

4 Roe v. Wade (1972) NOW becomes involved in a woman’s right to an abortion Norma McCorvey attempts to have an abortion but Texas only allows abortion in case of rape or incest McCorvey & NOW sue Dallas DA Henry Wade under the name of Jane Roe, case is appealed to the US Supreme Court Sup. Court rules 7-2 that a woman has the right to choose an abortion prior to 3rd trimester, no matter circumstances

5 Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)
1972: Congress passes the Equal Rights Amendment – constitutional guarantee of gender equality, Nixon endorses it Must be approved by 38 of 50 (75%) of states to become law Conservative Phyllis Schlafly starts “stop-ERA campaign” Amendment falls 3 states short of passage Discuss: Why do you think the ERA failed and do we still need it?

6 Stonewall Riots Stonewall Inn in NY was one of the few bars that allowed openly gay patrons NYPD, who routinely harassed gay bars raided the Stonewall in June of 1969 – patrons at the bar decided to fight back Later that night violence spreads throughout the city, violence & rioting occur in other cities that summer 1970: Gays & Lesbians begin to organize and peacefully begin to fight for equal rights

7 Milk Fights For Gay Rights
As Gays advocate for rights, conservatives like Anita Bryant backed anti-gay laws (ex: Fla law allowing discrimination) In San Francisco, Harvey Milk became the countries first openly gay elected official In public speeches Milk challenged Bryant and others who were trying to pass new laws, like Prop 6 in California After Prop 6 was defeated Milk & SF’s Mayor were killed by a disgruntled SF Supervisor Dan White

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