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The Scientific Method & THE THREE STATES OF MATTER

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Presentation on theme: "The Scientific Method & THE THREE STATES OF MATTER"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Scientific Method & THE THREE STATES OF MATTER

2 Scientific Method We use the Scientific Method to help answer questions and solve problems There are 4 steps in the Scientific Method

3 Observations: using your senses to gather information
Purpose: Reason why you are doing the experiment.

4 2. Hypothesis: an educated guess
what you think will happen

5 Experiment: a test You test your hypothesis! This is the fun part!

6 4. Data collection: information gathered from the experiment or observations

7 Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space.
What is matter? Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space.

8 Properties of Matter How It Looks (Shiny ,Dull, Color, etc.)
How It Feels (Hard, Soft, Rough , Smooth, etc.) How It Smells (Sweet, Sharp, Terrible, No Smell, etc.) How It Sounds (Loud, Soft, Echo, No Sound, etc.) What It Does (Bounce, Stretch, Tear, Break, Magnetism etc.)


10 SOLID A solid is matter that has that has definite size and shape. Example: Put a sneaker in a box. It stays the same.

11 Liquids

12 LIQUID A liquid takes the shape of any container. Example: Pour juice into a glass. The juice will take on the shape of the glass.

13 GAS

14 Gas Gas is matter that has no definite shape. Gases take the shape of whatever container they are in . Example: The air all around us is a gas.

15 Physical changes in matter
A Physical change is a change in how matter looks, but not the kind of matter is it is. Tear Cut Folded Written Liquid Solid Gas Mixture Solution


17 Chemical changes in matter
New Matter is formed. Burning Rusting Cooking


19 Is this a solid, a liquid, or a gas
Is this a solid, a liquid, or a gas? Can you find more than one type of matter in any of the pictures?

20 Is this a physical change or a chemical change
Is this a physical change or a chemical change? Can you find more than one physical or chemical change in the pictures?

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