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Hannibal Study Guide Caesar Study Guide Year Caesar was born?

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1 Hannibal Study Guide Caesar Study Guide Year Caesar was born?
Name _________________________________ Period ________ Caesar Study Guide Name of the island that the Roman soldiers landed on in 264 BC: Year Caesar was born? This empire is located on Africa and was Rome’s greatest rival: Type of citizen Caesar was classified as: The government job he held in 59 BC: This is the name of the wars that Rome had with Carthage: Caesar became the military governor of which region in 58 BC? This man swore revenge on Rome when he was a young boy: Year Caesar began a civil war in Rome: Name of the mountains Hannibal had to cross to attack Rome: Define Civil War: Why did Hannibal have to attack Rome by land? The person who gave Caesar money to continue fighting the civil war against Rome: Hannibal used these animals to scare the Romans: Two major events for Caesar in 45 BC: Name of the battle that marked the end of the Punic Wars: Define Dictator: Hannibal was eventually defeated by this Roman general:

2 Caesar Study Guide (continued)
Changes made by Caesar as dictator: Facts about the Ides of March:

3 Augustus Study Guide How Augustus related to Caesar:
What is a Roman forum? Define Aqueduct: Augustus’ birth name: Meaning of the name Augustus: How many miles of road were there in the Roman Empire? Reason for changing his name from Octavian to Augustus: What function did Roman roads have? The month named after Augustus: Augustus became Rome’s first: Who upheld the Roman laws? What is the Pax Romana? Who had to pay taxes in Rome? Projects completed during Augustus’ rule: Define Census: How often did the census occur in Rome?

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