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Burns/Dudley/Marrero Sept , 2018

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Presentation on theme: "Burns/Dudley/Marrero Sept , 2018"— Presentation transcript:

1 Burns/Dudley/Marrero Sept. 24-28, 2018
ELA: All Classes will take the County ELA test on Thursday. Dudley/Burns: We will finish reading Steal Away Home and test on Tuesday. Marrero: We will begin reading an excerpt of “Island of the Blue Dolphins” this week. Vocabulary will be in the binder. Test next week. 1st Nine Week Language Skills: conjunctions, prepositions, interjections, commas in a series, context clues, Greek and Latin roots SCHEDULE: MONDAY: TUESDAY: Dudley/Burns S.A.H test WEDNESDAY: ELA GT Contracts Due to Dudley/Mid Unit 2 Math Test THURSDAY: County ELA Test; Book Fair Begins; School Pictures Non-Uniform; PTO mtg. FRIDAY: Spirit Day; KONA ICE/Math GT Contracts due to Burns Math: This week we will review place value and decimals. Students will take the mid unit 2 math test on Wednesday, September 26th. We will begin adding and subtracting decimals on Thursday. SCIENCE: Students will continue to review electricity and magnetism concepts this week. We will have the opportunity to make observations with magnets and electricity. SS: .Students will conclude our Unit 2 this week. The Unit Assessment is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, Sept 27. This is a slight change from the original date. Be sure to review the study guide with your child nightly.

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