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Gravitational Potential & Kinetic Energy

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1 Gravitational Potential & Kinetic Energy
Mechanical Energy Gravitational Potential & Kinetic Energy

2 Gravitational Potential Energy:
Note: Same formula as W = Fd Stored energy of a raised object Gravitational Potential Energy (J) Mass of object (kg) Gravity (N/kg)

3 Ex #1 How much potential energy does a 61.2kg boy have if he is sitting on his bed, 0.50m above the floor? m = 61.2 kg g = 9.8 N/kg ∆h = 0.50 m

4 Ex #2 A 0.04kg rubber ball drops from a height of 5.0m to the ground & bounces back to a height of 3.0m. a) How much potential energy does the ball lose on the trip down? m = 0.04 kg g = 9.8 N/kg ∆h = 5 m b) How much potential energy does the ball regain on the trip back up?

5 Speed of the object (m/s)
Kinetic Energy: Energy of an object due to its motion Result of work having been done to the object Kinetic Energy (J) Speed of the object (m/s) Mass of object (kg)

6 Ex #3 What is the kinetic energy of a 6.0kg curling stone sliding at 4.0m/s? m = 6 kg v = 4m/s

7 Ex #4 What is the speed of a 5.44kg shotput if its kinetic energy is 68J? m = 5.44 kg Ek = 68J

8 Ex #5 A 0.50kg rubber ball is thrown into the air. At a height of 20m above the ground, it is traveling at 15m/s. What is the ball’s Ek & Eg? So ball has 154J of total energy m = 0.5 kg m = 0.5 kg g = 9.8 N/kg v = 15m/s h = 20 m

9 BUT….total energy (ET) still the same throughout
Eg = high Ek = zero Eg = high Eg = lower Ek = low Ek = higher Eg = higher Ek = lower Eg = zero Ek = high

10 Total Mechanical Energy (ET):
Energy can be transferred or transformed, never lost  Law of Conservation of Energy *If friction negligible If friction is not negligible then….

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