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Slovenian presidency of the EU

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1 Slovenian presidency of the EU
Education for innovation and creativity

2 Main priorities: Visibility of education and training within the Lisbon Strategy: the interlinked concepts of equity and efficiency promoting lifelong learning as an overall concept Reform of schools for support of creativity and innovation Strengthening intercultural dialogue

3 Main documents by priority:
Joint interim report of the Council and the Commission on the progress in implementing I&E 2010 Programme Key messages to the Spring European Council in the field of education and training Re-editing the Integrated Guidelines for Growth and Jobs Priority 2: Council Conclusions on promoting creativity and innovation through education and training Priority 3: Council Conclusions on Multilingualism Council Conclusions on Intercultural competence (Ministers for Culture)

4 Main events and their contribution to the priorities:
Ministerial Conference 15 February 2008 Brussels: Multilingualism: After the EYC Council DGVT meeting 1-4 March 2008 Flagship conference:”Promoting Innovation and Creativity: Schools' Response to the Challenges of Future Societies “ 8-10 April 2008 Conference: " The institutional Foundations for Dialogue and Respect “ 5-7 June 2008 Norway

5 DGVT meeting: Study: “Contribution of vocational education and training to equity and social inclusion”

6 Conference:”Promoting Innovation and Creativity”
Esko Aho President of Sitra, the Finnish Innovation Fund: Innovation and creativity for a more equitable and efficient Europe Jeremy Rifkin President of The Foundation on Economic trends: Challenges for Europe in the global age David Istance Centre for Educational Research and Innovation OECD: What Schools for the 21st Century: Directions for Schooling and Educational Innovation from Recent OECD Analyses Arlette Delhaxhe Eurydice European Unit and Nathalie Mons University of Grenoble: Report on Responsibilities and Autonomy of Teachers

7 Conference: " The institutional Foundations for Dialogue and Respect
Is covering the following aspects: Legal framework for dialogue and respect The Role of Education  Intercultural dialogue 

8 Council Conclusions on promoting creativity and innovation through education and training
Under the chapter »Consider that«, article 5 states: The eight key competences for lifelong learning defined in 2006 EU Recommendation relate to skills which are of particular relevance to creativity and the capacity to innovate. In particular, there is a need for skills and competences that enable people to embrace change as an opportunity, to remain receptive to new ideas and to respect and appreciate the values of others.

9 Integrated Guidelines for Growth and Jobs
Explanatory text to Guideline 23, line 6-8: An easily accessible, widespread and integrated system of lifelong career orientation should increase both access of individuals to education and training and the relevance of education and training offer to skills needs

10 State of play at the national level
Have all the ingredients Somehow failed to cook them into a tasty dish

11 The ingredients Employment Service of Slovenia PLOTEUS, EURES
Career Guidance Counsellors at Employment Offices NRCVG (financed through Education from DG EAC) CIPS (Centres of information and vocational counselling) PLOTEUS, EURES School counsellors Adult Education centre of Slovenia ISIO (Centres for counselling and informing Adult persons) LLL centres Portal for Learning of Adults National Institute for Vocational education Virtu-orientation The National Education Institute

12 The obstacles Institutional fragmentation The accountability mania
Fear of taking obligations that exceed immediate competencies Competition for prestige and prevalence Overall consumerisation of the society (Nothing is for free)

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