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Essential Questions What caused the Russian Revolution?

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1 AP EURO Unit #6 – Early 20th Century (The World Wars) Lesson #604 Russian Revolution

2 Essential Questions What caused the Russian Revolution?
What mistake did the Provisional Government make that led to their demise?


4 Modern Russia Nicholas has been feverishly working to
Modernize Russia Spark some national pride Where did he fail? Why will this matter going into WWI? Most Russians still oppressed… farmers and now workers Nicholas mobilized full 5 million Russian troops to win back pride 4m Bio

5 The end of WWI for the Russians
Russian mobilization was FAST They dominated the Austrians, but no match for Germans Russians were pulverized 2,000,000 dead in just the first year Nicholas took command of front line Russians forced into retreat Army Order #1 – voting on orders! Total chaos in the ranks – mass desertions Humiliated, the Czar abdicated Russia plummeted into a civil war 1m Summary

6 How did this all happen? Nicholas was a family man, and the last great divine right monarch The wealthiest man in the world He held a secret: the heir the throne (Alexia) was a hemophiliac Why is this going to create a problem? Alexandra (his wife) trusted Rasputin to heal Alexia Rasputin was a cracked nut (more info on next slide) As Russian losses mounted in WWI, Rasputin suggested Russia pull out, or Nicholas join the fight Nicholas left his wife in charge, and went to lead the Russian army – Why would he do this? Rasputin then used his degenerate charms to spin the Russian government into chaos Discontent and starvation let to mutiny

7 Influence of Rasputin The war was becoming a disaster
Strikes and riots led to inconsistent industry Bullets had to be rationed: 3/day Nicholas tried to inspire the army Instead, in his absence, Rasputin had free reign of the palaces and access to government Rasputin was a self-proclaimed holy man Now, he was a government leader He fired good ministers, and hired sycophants Trust in the monarchy collapsed 6m Bio

8 Bless you, my child




12 45m Bio

13 Demise of Rasputin Two princes of the royal family conspired to murder Rasputin Rasputin predicted that if he was killed, Russia would not survive… and… He predicted if he was killed by a member of the royal family, that the Romanovs would be utterly destroyed, and all that was Russia would be eliminated. Rasputin was murdered by those princes And, the damage he did was done Russia would surely suffer, as would the royal family Oh, and he was “very” killed 6m Bio 7m prophesies of Rasputin

14 TWO Revolutions in Russia
February Revolution (March, 1917) Czar abdicated Kerensky duma took over (Provisional Government) Promised to win the war – Why?! Why will this be a big mistake? October Revolution (Nov. 1917) Lenin transported from exile by Germans Soviets spontaneously formed (Workers and soldiers) Bolsheviks wanted to violently overthrow the government Lenin led Bolsheviks 7m Feb Revolution

15 Lenin’s Government Land, factories and banks were to be nationalized – given to “the people” The war was ended at any cost LAND! PEACE! BREAD! Treaty of Brest Litovsk – March 1918 Surrender of best farmland War Communism – excuse of Communists (new name for Bolsheviks) to take all wealth Civil War raged on – Lenin’s “Reds” were winning, but needed more food Peasants forced to surrender their new land and food to the Communist cause

16 New Economic Policy Lenin’s government growing unpopular
He issued a new plan: to tolerate some minor private enterprise Peasants could farm for a profit Small businesses could sell on free market What do you think was the result? Why? Millions still died – Americans sent aid Lenin went and died in 1924 (stroke in 1922) What will happen next?

17 Battle between Stalin and Trotsky
Lenin’s death created a power vacuum Trotsky had led much of Lenin’s plans But Trotsky was arrogant and idealistic Stalin was the Secretary of the Party That meant he had the power to fire and hire all members of the inner circle Stalin worked for years to gather a following By 1927, he struck – banned Trotsky from government, then the party, then the country And then…


19 What ever happened to Nicholas?
His days were numbered as soon as he abdicated He planned to escaped to Britain or Belgium Problem: nobody would take him He was moved to a remote house in Siberia There, he and his whole family were executed Why would they do that?! What did they have that could help the escape? 2) 3m Bio on Nich 1) 7m Indian Nydel on Nich II 3) 3m Execution

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