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SNOMED CT Update Denise Downs Implementation and Education Lead.

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Presentation on theme: "SNOMED CT Update Denise Downs Implementation and Education Lead."— Presentation transcript:

1 SNOMED CT Update Denise Downs Implementation and Education Lead

2 Points to Cover Background – SNOMED CT Note on dm+d Current Activity Possible Actions

3 What ? Standardised set of commonly used clinical phrases that nationally applicable –Supports all healthcare specialisms –Supports internationally leading specialists Can be used in paper and electronic records –In electronic records is also coded

4 And more... The standardised phrases are part of a managed knowledge base –Type of infectious disease –Is-a procedure –Is-a diagnosis Enables more sophisticated analytics, more intelligent EHR systems, links to pathways, links to knowledge resources,...

5 Incorporates other standards & scales: SNOMED CT incorporates existing standards & scales: –Glasgow coma scale –Assessment using arthritis hand function test –Lung volume test –Falls Risk Assessment Score for the Elderly (FRASE) –Waterlow pressure sore Note. The Intellectual property needs to be owned by the NHS or the user when used in practice.

6 Why? Standardised record keeping Communication between and amongst professions Communication between systems in consistent coded format Single coded format supports decision support, business processes, reporting, analysis,...

7 Why? -Interoperable With an agreed structure, data can be passed from one system to another and be UNDERSTOOD by that system, but only if we use structured records and a common terminology GP makes referral to Trust Discharge summary sent to GP Choose and Book

8 Summary Care Record Patient summary record Contains allergies, adverse reactions, medications (current repeat, discontinued repeat, acute). Additional information with patients consent such as current diagnoses e.g. diabetes, asthma This SCR clinical data is stored using SNOMED CT Provides consistent recording and semantic interoperability across a mixed coding domain

9 dm+d NHS dictionary of medicines and devices Currently going through ISB process, expected to be a full standard by the end of the year Planned to replace Read drugs Is harmonised with SNOMED CT – uses same concept codes Implementation planned to be mandated 2017 dm+d underpins EPS –EPS R2 completed its 1millionth full transaction this week (i.e the full process – prescribe, dispense, reimburse)

10 Implementation Progress Cerner Millenium, Lorenzo, Rio, SCR, EPS, Choose & Book, Spine,... Decision support systems such as First Databank Map of Medicine Business analytics software New standards and datasets will require SNOMED CT to be addressed

11 Care planning Ongoing work in this area, new update in April – feedback welcome

12 General principles for practice Aim to only record once in the right place Potential to cite many times Record once reference many May be read in a different context to which it is written Share-ability Dont use something close but untrue Qualify with free text dont modify TRUE not similar

13 College of Occupational Therapists Subset in existence and under further development Expert Reference Group – training and workshops – to support long term management of subset CPD for current professions HEIs and pre-registration curriculum All led and promoted by COT

14 British Dietetic Association International standard, interest in harmonising with SNOMED CT Some services interested in adopting in its SNOMED CT format Possible national project coordinated through BDA Discussions ongoing

15 Others Renal –Expert reference group and subset, into management of subset –Pressure on suppliers College of Emergency Medicine –Subset in development –Mapped to national HES codes –Analysis of live SNOMED CT data and feedback to emergency department in London

16 Actions? Communications from professional bodies in relation to SNOMED CT –In information strategy for AHPs –Public Endorsement Requirements of suppliers? Feedback on care planning Next phase interest in similar activities to COT?

17 Learn more about SNOMED CT Visit: Training & Resources on UKTC website E-learningWebinarsCase studiesBrochures and guidesSNOMED CT NHS network

18 Useful websites UKTC website Data Standards Helpdesk NHS Networks SNOMED CT

19 Denise Downs 0113 397 3971 / 3607 snomed-ct/about-us

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