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Language Registers Objectives

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1 Language Registers Objectives
1. understand that spoken language has different registers, depending on the formality of the situation and on the relationship between the speakers 2. be able to shift registers for different familiar contexts and situations

2 Language Registers What is a language register? Pre-test
Fairy tale in formal and casual registers Which version meets your expectation of a fairy tale? Handouts for story told in casual and formal register. Give each learner the handouts of Little Red Riding Hood written in formal register and in casual register. Have the versions read aloud. After the stories have been read, emphasize that in the formal register version, the story starts at the beginning of the action and then develops in a logical pattern to the end. Events are told in the way that they happen. In the casual register version, point out that the story begins by telling the ending first. This is the most emotional part of the story. Notice how the characters are described and events are related. Discuss which story is the most fun, which has the most interesting characters, and which has the most logical order.

3 Language Registers What is a language register? Sociolinguistics
describes the various styles of language available for writing or speaking Sociolinguistics Societal/cultural norms Definitions of the Five Registers Language registers come from Sociolinguistics which is the study of cultural norms. Language register is related to culture and cultural norms and will vary slightly depending on the culture. Handouts from

4 Different Situations Mean Different Language

5 Why do we need to know this?
Language register is related to the trait of Voice in writing. Academic writing is formal and all assignments need to be written in the correct voice or register. Using an inappropriate voice for the writing assignment will affect your score, especially on state and college entrance exams.

6 How do you decide which language register is appropriate to use?
Deciding which language register is appropriate depends on the: Audience Topic Situation

7 Public Voice Frozen Formal Consultative
I use my public voice when I am at school, at work, or at church with friends or strangers.

8 Private Voice When I am with my friends and close family. In a casual setting, I can be less formal.

9 Let’s Practice Using Levels of Language Identify each sentence as formal or informal. Lizabeth leaped furiously into the mounds of marigolds and pulled madly, trampling and destroying the perfect yellow blooms. “Gee, Lizabeth, I don’t know what to say.” She hollered over to them and told them to get moving on. After reading a story about the day President Kennedy was assassinated, we will take the roles of ordinary citizens and act out our reactions to the event.

10 Let’s Practice The Word Matrix BBC Fact Sheet Formal/Informal Speech 1
Answers BBC Fact Sheets are for review only. The Word Matrix is for introductory and review. Introduce the idea of all the words we have to describe "death." Terms like "croaked," "kicked the bucket," "bought the farm," and how about "passed on" "passed away" or "crossed over." Ask if learners can think of others. If they were describing the death of a loved one, would they use a word like "croaked?" How about if they were describing the death of someone you don't particularly like or someone they didn't know well? Ask if learners see how emotions can influence choice of register.

11 Match the picture with the Correct register.
Casual Frozen Formal Intimate Consultative

12 Language Register Matrix
Frozen Relationship Handed down from generation to generation unchanged Background None needed Expectations Language that rarely or never changes Examples Pledge of Allegiance, homilies, prayers, laws Purpose Ritualistic to create group unity and identity Language Register Matrix Sheet

13 Language Register Matrix
Formal Relationship Best for conveying intellectual information. Speaker is the expert and audience is interested. Background Speaker gives only what audience needs Expectations Standard English with complete sentences, focus on form, and no slang Examples One way communication of speeches, State of the Union Address, presentations, academic papers Purpose Academic, to inform and persuade Used at work, school, and business Make learners aware that schools use formal register and that standardized tests are written in formal register, and, if they go for a job interview, they will want to use formal register with the person who is conducting the interview. This could make the difference in whether or not they get the job. The use of formal register allows one to do better in school, to score higher on tests, and even to get the more desirable job. Learners will be able to communicate more effectively with all types of people in many different situations if they understand these registers.

14 Which would I send to your parent?
Wat up !!! Holla back. We be droppin’ Inglash Yo! Hello, Ms. James. Please contact me at your earliest opportunity.

15 The Universal Rule A person can go from one register to the next register without any conflicts

16 Language Register Matrix
Consultative Relationship Professional and academic discussion. Use with colleagues you respect. May not have any past experience with that person. Background Little background but varies Expectations Standard English with complete sentences and no slang Examples Two way communication. Online support, professional s. Strangers who interact, adults at work, teachers with students, speaking with lawyer or doctor Purpose Exchange of professional information

17 Recognizing social vs. academic language
When comparing social and academic language, students should look for the following differences: Informal Language Academic Language repetition of words variety of words, more sophisticated vocabulary sentences start with “and” and “but” sentences start with transition words, such as “however,” “moreover,” and “in addition” use of slang: “guy,” “cool,” and “awesome” No slang AFT

18 Private Voice Casual Intimate

19 Language Register Matrix
Casual Relationship Degrees of casual i.e. family vs. respected colleagues Language used with friends or people with whom we have past experience Background Little background but varies Expectations Sentences may not be complete, informal vocabulary and slang Examples Texting, talking with friends, personal letters Purpose Used for social and emotional bonding

20 Language Register Matrix
Intimate Relationship Language shared between couples, twins, very close friends Language of sexual harassment Background Varies Finish each other’s sentences Very close relationship Expectations Inappropriate for school or work. May have own language and vocabulary. Examples Love notes Purpose Conveys emotion

21 More Practice Say What? Formal/Informal Speech 2
Answers What registers do you use? What is the register? “Both levels will use What is the register?” Introductory will use Language Register Use list to create their own chart and complete the formal/informal on the same sheet of paper.

22 Give examples of each language register and label the register for each example.

23 In a quick freewrite or using a different brainstorming techniques, identify all the ways knowledge of consultative and formal register has an impact on academic literacy.

24 Test Time In which register do conversations among strangers begin?
What is not tolerated in intimate register? What is required of formal register? What is the purpose of slang? How are wording, grammar, and intonation related to register?

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