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2019 Grad Parent Information planning for graduation and beyond Ms

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1 2019 Grad Parent Information planning for graduation and beyond Ms
2019 Grad Parent Information planning for graduation and beyond Ms. Lemieux-Academic Advisor

2 Courses needed to graduate
Must have completed these 13 courses: GRADE 10: English, Socials, Science, Math, PE, Planning GRADE 11: English, Socials, Science, Math GRADE 12: English, Graduation Transitions ONE - Fine Art OR Applied Skill 10,11 or 12 All are 4 credits each = 52 credits Plus at least 7 other (elective) courses: THREE of which must be grade 12 level courses. 7courses x 4 credits =28 credits. = 80 credits. 20 Courses minimum

3 Plus… 2 Government exams/assessments must have been written:
Numeracy assessment English 12 Exam To check exam results/transcript: Create an account by using your PEN (personal education number) which is on report card.

4 Graduation transitions(Career Life Connections) course
Graduation Transitions is a mandatory course required for graduation focusing on 3 areas: Personal Health Community Connections - Work Experience/Volunteer Career and Life Grad Transitions(Career Life Connections) is a study block if all assignments are up to date. IB Diploma students will complete course in CAS. All Assignments are due before the Exit Interview which will be scheduled after February.

5 Graduation process Students will receive a copy of their transcript (DVR) to check over to make sure they meet the graduation requirements. After each reporting session counsellors try to check to see if there are any grads in jeopardy of not graduating based on current marks. Parents are encouraged to check your child’s report card to make sure they are still in a position to graduate.

6 Information for students going to Post Secondary School
College/University There are some specific requirements depending on school and program. Some schools open registration Oct. 1 Education planner is now open. There are too many stipulations for each school to name in one powerpoint. It is important to look at either Education Planner or the individual School’s website.

7 How and when do I apply for post secondary school?
Most university and college websites are open for applications at the beginning of October. Early application deadlines are usually the end of January & February. Make sure you have the pre-requisite courses for your desired program, then apply on line through Education Planner or on the individual school’s website.

8 University contacts Self Reporting of Grades
Make sure you are following the deadlines in your provided to you by the university/college you applied. Admission may be tied to self-reported grades. Do not self-report a grade that is not on a report card or a transcript.

9 In order to make an informed choice
Visit campuses - do a tour Attend information sessions, open houses – Garibaldi’s post secondary evening is on Oct. 2nd from 6:30-8:15pm Sit down with an advisor Talk to current students There are people on every campus who are hired to talk to prospective students. They are the experts, not us. SHOP AROUND

10 Scholarships/Bursaries
Bursaries are based on financial need and are not to be paid back. Scholarships must be applied for. Community involvement is very important. Local scholarship process begins in January. Workshops held in Grad Transitions blocks in January, 2019. Post-secondary scholarships on web-sites. All awards have their own criteria. Begin the gathering of information early. Mrs. Domitruk is available in Career Center on Tuesday, Wednesday(and every 3rd Friday-2 hours) for assistance.

11 District Scholarships/Bursaries
Community donated money Criteria varies by donor Many awards are offered to all high schools in Maple Ridge. A few awards are school specific. Booklet will be available in the new year. Will be covered in Grad Transitions Class. Application deadline in March after Spring Break for District Booklet Awards. Winners announced on Grad Day in June.

12 District Dogwood Awards
$1250 awarded to grade 12 students who excel in Applied Skills, Languages, Athletics, Community Service, Technical and Trades, Training and Fine Arts. Students present skills to a committee who determine awards based on a set criteria. Number of winners vary each year, usually around per school. BEST ODDS

13 Entrance Scholarships
Entrance Scholarships are sometimes awarded automatically based on GPA on final grade 12 academic courses. Students do not apply for these. Most other schools require an application process.

14 Other important information
Post Secondary Day –Wed.- October 2 – 6:30-8:15pm (2- sessions and a mini fair following in the cafeteria). UBC information session Nov. 6 – 6:45-7:45 pm STS(student transcripts service) online forms – will be filled out during an English class in the Library with Ms. Lemieux. These are very important as this is the only way the Universities will receive the students’ final marks. Marks for universities are based on second term report card and final report. Universities consider grade 12 academic marks (with a few exceptions).

15 So much to do… Use a checklist of things to do for your post-secondary plan. Create a folder to collect info. Record all deadlines. Scholarship/bursary information. Send transcripts or self-report grades on-line and send in other required documents (resumes, essays) as required. Keep a copy of all documents. If you talk to someone at the post-secondary school about a problem, on the phone, get the name of the person you talk to. Thinking of the trades: look at

16 Graduation to do list Brag Sheets and Reference Letters
Grad photos – sign up will occur online on the Mountain website. Stay tuned Parent tributes, toddler photos and grad write-ups due in December. Mr. Gill if you have questions January – District Scholarship Sessions Be sure to check, on the GSS website, the Grad 2019 top tab under students often, sign up for the “remind APP”, Facebook page, read the gazette, look at the TV’s, look on the career/counselling page so that announcements pertaining to grad aren’t missed!

17 Graduation week Friday, June 7th, 2019
Banquet/Dance at Swan-E-Set – doors open at 5pm- 6:00 pm- Dinner, Dance to follow Dry Garibaldi-doors open 11:30pm to 5:30am Tuesday, June 11th, 2019 3:00 pm rehearsal at Garibaldi Gymnasium – Attendance Mandatory - Cap and Gown pick up (updates will be on the remind app- a text will come to you on your phone) Thursday, June 13th, 2019 – Cap and Gown will be worn 5:45pm - Grads arrive Gateway Church in Abbotsford 6:00 pm – Group Photo – parents can enter lobby 6:30pm- line up for processional – alphabetical - Grad Ceremony begins

18 Committees Dry Grad Sign Up Date for first dry grad committee meeting-
Fundraising Gift purchasing Supervision at Dry Grad Casino Food Clean Up Date for first dry grad committee meeting- End of September or first week of October. Will announce on the facebook page the exact date and time. Parent Banquet/Dance – a reminder will be sent in January or February First meeting will be in the New Year Table centrepieces Seating plan Decorations Grad costs – dry grad – 75$ Ceremony – 10$/ticket – grad does not pay Cap and gown – 25$ Banquet – 75$ each – grad also pays

19 In conclusion… Any further questions, one of the counsellors or career planning assistant:

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