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Where are we?.

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Presentation on theme: "Where are we?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Where are we?

2 You are finding answers re:
How the market is segmented & the relevant criteria that influence consumers use in their purchasing decisions The nature & magnitude of the competition Existing & emerging Economic & Technological trends that will impact demand, pricing, product design & positioning Consumers Competitors Conditions

3 NEXT STEP Company Consumers Competitors Conditions
Situation/SWOT Analysis Strategic Planning Functional Integration Performance Assessment NEXT STEP Company Consumers Competitors Conditions PEST Growth & Competitive Strategies Finance HR Production R&D Marketing Functional Integration Profits Mrkt Share ROA ROS ROE Asset T/O Stock Mrkt Cap

4 How good are your goods…
1st Big Q How good are your goods…

5 Next Big Q How good are you in making your goods…


7 Key Financial Q’s: Are You Making Enough Profit?
Liquidity? Enough Money on hand to run/grow your co. Leverage? ideally proportioned betw. Debt & Equity? How effectively are you utilizing your assets? A/T R U providing your investors an Adequate Level of Return? How close are you to Bankruptcy? How’s those Bond Ratings? Do you have Adequate Levels of Investment in your Company's Plant, People & Processes?

8 But 1st Company Consumers Competitors Conditions
Situation/SWOT Analysis Strategic Planning Functional Integration Performance Assessment But 1st Company Consumers Competitors Conditions PEST Growth & Competitive Strategies Finance HR Production R&D Marketing Functional Integration Profits Mrkt Share ROA ROS ROE Asset T/O Stock Mrkt Cap


10 3 Levels of Strategic MGT
Corporate-Level : In what business should we compete? Corporation Business-Level : How should we compete? Sensors Unit Cons.Elec. Unit Nano-Tech Unit Functional-Level : How do we coordinate? Finance HR / R&D Production Marketing

11 Level 1-Corporate Strategy
In which businesses do we compete? Corporation Consumer Security Services Sensors Unit Nano-Tech Unit ?

12 Decide what business(es) want to be in …
what Products to compete with… What Markets to compete in… Growth Strategy

13 Growth Strategies Present Products New Products Market Penetration-
Increase share among existing customers. Product Development Create new products for present markets Present Markets Market Development Attract new customers to existing products New Markets Diversification new products… new markets… new alliances

14 Next Level of Strategic MGT
Corporate-Level : In what business should we compete? Corporation Business-Level : How should we compete? Sensors Unit Cons.Elec. Unit Nano-Tech Unit Functional-Level : How do we coordinate? Finance HR / R&D Production Marketing

15 Business Unit Strategy: How do we Compete?

16 What Advantage can we create & sustain against our competitors?
& w/in which Market Segments should we compete?

17 Strategic Thinking- the ten big ideas 6. Resource allocation models –
Porter: strategic choices are set of basic generic strategies (low cost, differentiation, market focus)

18 “If you don’t know where you are going
Porter “What is Strategy” “If you don’t know where you are going any road will get you there.” Lewis Carroll, -- Chapter 6, Alice in Wonderland

19 Design, produce, market more efficiently than competitors
You can Formulate Strategy based on what Competitive advantage you focus on: Cost: Design, produce, market more efficiently than competitors Differentiation: Deliver unique & superior value in terms of product quality, features, service

20 You can also Formulate Strategy by: Competitive Scope/ MARKET FOCUS Number & Nature of segments compete w/in-

21 & You can also Formulate Strategy by-Riding a Products Life Cycle
Adjust Marketing Mix according to natural Drift of products w/in segments-

22 Competitive Strategy Matrix
Number & nature of segments compete w/in Ride Product LifeCycle #2 #3 Compete on: Broad Market Niche Mrkt Evolving Mrkt Cost Competitive Strategy Matrix #1 Product Quality

23 Competitive Strategy Matrix
Broad Mrkt Niche Mrkt Evolving Mrkt Compete on: Overall Cost Leader Cost Leader- Lo -Tech Focus Cost Leader - PLC Lo+Trad+Hi Differentiator- Differentiator Hi- End Focus Differentiator- PLC Cost Product Quality

24 Strategic Choice: Cost Leadership
Overriding goal = increased efficiency & lower costs relative to rivals Minimize costs (Marketing, R&D & Production..) Advantages A cost leader able to charge lower prices Even at same price- greater profitability

25 Strategic Choice: Differentiation
Create a product that customers perceive as distinct/unique & offer superior quality/service Advantage Customers expect & willing to pay premium prices

26 Strategic Choice: Differentiation
Will have significant expenditures in R&D & production…. want/need to make high quality/highly desirable product Significant expenditures in marketing… develop greater brand equity —thru increased awareness of product quality Greater Equity = Greater loyalty = Less price sensitivity

27 3rd Level of Strategy Functional Strategy Marketing Corporate Level
Business unit Level Functional Strategy Information systems Research & development Manufacturing Finance Marketing Human resources

28 Situation/SWOT Analysis Performance Assessment
The Big Picture Situation/SWOT Analysis Strategic Planning Functional Integration Performance Assessment Company Consumers Competitors Conditions PEST Marketing Growth & Competitive Strategies Profits Mrkt Share ROA ROS ROE Asset T/O Stock Mrkt Cap R&D Production HR Finance

FINANCE Achieved when : All Decisions made by & within all functional areas are in sync w/ one another, As well as with the overall strategic direction of the firm PRODUCTION MARKETING

30 Examples of Strategic Alignment


32 Distinctive Competencies Distinctive Competencies
When all decisions made by & within all functional areas are in sync w/ one another, As well as w/ your overall strategic direction -- you achieve… Distinctive Competencies Distinctive Competencies

33 Distinct competencies needed to achieve selected competitive strategy
Advantage* Distinctive Competencies *Achieved when you sustain profits above Industry Average

34 Areas in which you can develop “Distinct Competencies”
MARKETING: Awareness & Accessibility R&D: Product innovation & design PRODUCTION: Plant Automation & utilization Human Resources: Worker Expertise & Training

35 Achieving Competitive Advantage thru Cost-Focused Strategy
Allows for good profit margins on sales while keeping prices low especially in price-sensitive segments… Functional Alignment Production Automation - pursued early & aggressively Capacity improvements unlikely (may run overtime instead) Marketing Spend moderately on promotion & sales R&D Spend minimally on R&D

36 Differentiator Seeks to create maximum awareness & brand equity.
Wants to be well known as a maker of high quality/highly desirable products Functional Alignment Production Less likely to invest in increased automation or production capacity Marketing Spend heavy on advertising & sales to create maximum awareness & accessibility Prices tend to be higher R&D High R&D spending - keep products fresh

37 Select one of the Six Basic Strategies

38 How good are your goods…
Now Evaluate How good are your goods…

39 Strategic Thinking- the ten big ideas
4. Portfolio theory- GE-(three-by-three matrix, using business strength & market attractiveness as variables). The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) introduced its two-by-two matrix-(invest in the stars, divest the dogs, milk the cows, and solve the question marks)

40 Portfolio Analysis Which Brands should receive more/ less/ no investment-Based on: Product Position/ Potential Profitability/ Margins Market-Growth/Market- Share Matrix Competitive Strategy

41 G.E Strategic Planning Model Business Strength Strong Average Weak
High Low Industry Attractiveness Business Strength Index Industry Attractiveness Index * Market Share * Market size * Price Competitiveness * Market Growth * Product Quality * Industry Profit Margin * Customer Knowledge * Amount of Competition * Sales Force and Effectiveness * Seasonality * Geographic Advantage * Cost Structure

42 Boston Consulting Group’s Growth-Share Matrix
STARS High PROBLEM CHILD Product-Market Growth (%) CASH COWS DOGS Low 10x x x 1.5x 1x x x .1x High Relative Market Share Low

43 R U Meeting Consumers’ Expectations?

44 Evaluate Your Company’s Marketing Situation & Develop Your Brand Plans


46 You’re will be responsible for:
As MARKETING MANAGER You’re will be responsible for: Planning, implementing & controlling your marketing strategy Target & Position Product Place Promotion Price

47 Marketing Managers become one-w/ Relationships betw
Price & demand Price & margin Promotion budget & awareness Sales budget & accessibility A/R policy & demand


49 Marketing also selects media vehicles & message weights
AND determines composition of sales/distribution staff ..and allocation of their efforts by segment & Brand

50 As R&D Mgr Responsible for: Product Position Age & Quality
Performance SIZE Responsible for: Product Position Age & Quality New product development High High Eight < < < Low Low One Quality Age Prdt Line

51 Drift Establish product positioning to meet customer demand
Build quality & reliability (MTBF) into products Ensure age of product meets customer demands Create new products Drift

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