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2 Congratulations You win at life! NOW… try another quiz!

3 1.Who was the potter of the Francois Vase?
1. Kleitus 2. Ergotimos 3. Kleitias 4. Ergotimore

4 2. Who was the painter? 1. Ergotimus 2. Ergotimore 3. Kleitus
4. Kleitias

5 3. What figure/technique is it?
1. White figure 2. Black figure 3. Red figure

6 4. How is a volute krater different from a column krater?
1. Curled handles on a volute krater 2. Curled handles on a column krater 3. Straight handles on a volute krater 4. Half handles on a column krater

7 5. What is the name of the boar on the Francois Vase?
1. Caradonian Boar 2. Calysonian Boar 3. Cameldonian Boar 4. Calydonian Boar

8 6. How is the vase signed? 1. Kleitias made me and Ergotimus painted me 2. Ergotimus made me and Kleitias painted me 3. Ergotimus potted me and Kleitias painted me 4. Ergotimus made me and Kleitias watched.

9 7. The painted decoration on this vase was inspired by what style?
1. Corinthian miniaturist style 2. Corinthian large-figure style 3. Corinthian mythical style 4. Corinthian Calydonian style

10 8. Whose funeral games are being held?
1. Achilles 3. Hector 2. Patroclus 4. Theseus

11 9. Which goddess is depicted on the handles?
1. Athene 2. Aphrodite 3. Eris 4. Artemis

12 10. Why is it called the Francois Vase?
1. Found by Frances Bacon 2. Found by Alessandro Francois 3. Found in Francois Valley 4. It was the name of Ergotimus’ lover

13 11. Who cast Hephaistos out of Mt. Olympus and why?
1. Zeus – for imprisoning Hera 2. Hera – for being lame 3. Dionysus – for not drinking 4. Hera – she was having a bad day

14 12. What mythical animals are seen on the fifth band?
1. Centaurs and Hippogriffs 2. Griffins and sphinxes 3. Griffins and Hippogriffs 4. Centaurs and sphinxes

15 13. Who is Theseus and what is he known for?
1. Greek Hero – killed by the Minotaur 2. Greek Hero – killed the Minotaur 3. Greek Hero – judged the Golden Apple contest 4. Greek Hero – throwing the Golden Apple

16 14. Which famous hero is seen dead and being carried?
1. Hector 2. Achilles 3. Aeneas 4. Theseus

17 15. How high is the vase? 1. 66 cm 2. 76 cm 3. 86 cm 4. 96 cm

18 16. How many human and animal characters on the vase in total?

19 17. It is a ‘________’ style vase?
1. continuous 2. narrative 3. old 4. picturesque

20 18. Who is the below fight between on side ‘B’?
1. Theseus and the Centaurs 2. Lapiths and Centaurs 3. Achilles and the Centaurs 4. Heracles and the Centaurs

21 19. Which two figures are newly married?
1. Helen and Paris 2. Peleus and Theseus 3. Theseus and Thetis 4. Peleus and Thetis

22 20. What did the marriage of Peleus and Thetis eventually lead to?
1. Judgement of Paris and Trojan War 2. Judgement of Aeneas and Trojan War 3. Judgement of Achilles and Trojan War 4. Judgement of Peleus and Trojan War

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