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By yourself or with a partner…..

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2 By yourself or with a partner…..
Brainstorm “imperialism” (Who, what, when, where, WHY, terms, etc.) What is it? Why did nations believe in it? What nations were imperialistic? What parts of the world were “imperialized”? Terms, people, etc.

3 UNIT 10: Becoming a World Power 1890s Why/ how did the United States become a major international power? Rise of Imperialism (1890s- 1910s) World War I ( ) Return to Neutrality (1920s)

4 Key questions: When should the United States intervene in the affairs of other nations? How is American imperialism comparable to Manifest Destiny? Why did America break its tradition of neutrality and enter World War I? How did American entrance into World War I impact the nation?



7 Context: Review U.S. foreign policy
Washington’s Farewell Address, Proclamation of Neutrality (1790s) U.S. will stay neutral in foreign affairs: just trade HARD TO DO!!!!!! Adams (undeclared war with France) Jefferson (Embargo Act) Madison (War of 1812)…

8 Monroe Doctrine (1823) U.S. stays out of affairs of Europe….
Any attempt by Europe to colonize LATIN AMERICA will be seen as an act of aggression (Guarantees Latin American independence)

9 Manifest Destiny (1840s)- expansion WEST
1846- Oregon Purchase 1845- Annexation of Texas 1848- Mexican Cession

10 Alaska- 1867 “Seward’s Ice Box”- Sec. of State William Seward purchases from Russia for $7.2 million (2 cents and acre)

11 By the late 1800s….. (end of Gilded Age)
1893- historian Frederick Jackson Turner argues American democracy was formed by the “frontier” 1890- no more frontier…. What next? America has become economic power….. DO WE JOIN THE IMPERIALIST “GAME”? (DEBATE FRIDAY)

12 1. Military/Strategic Interests
Other nations establishing a global military presence; we should too Alfred T. Mahan  The Influence of Sea Power on History: 1890- becomes 3rd biggest navy: NEED PORTS

13 2. Commercial/Business Interests
U. S. needs to protect Foreign Investments: US farms and factories producing surpluses- need new markets Access to raw materials (if we don’t do it, someone else will)

14 3. Belief in Culutural/ Racial Superiority: Social Darwinist Thinking
The White Man’s Burden- other races/ places need to be “civilized” by European culture, etc. Social Darwinism: The ANGLO-SAXON race/ culture/ etc., is superior, and deserves to rule over the rest

15 $5,000,000 SURPLUS GOOD ORDER “After the first mile” According to Cartoon, how does Cuba benefit from American involvement?

16 Is imperialism an extension of Manifest Destiny
Is imperialism an extension of Manifest Destiny? How are the motives of IMPERIALISM in the late 1800s and MANIFEST DESTINY in the 1840s similar and different?

17 CASE STUDY HAWAII: Queen Liliuokalani Sanford Dole
Military/ Strategic interests Commercial/ Business Interests Social Darwinist Thinking/ belief in cultural superiority Sanford Dole

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