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Health & Ayurveda myths busted

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1 Health & Ayurveda myths busted

2 Myth Fact Ayurvedic medicines are bitter and has unpalatable taste?
Taste Vs Cure. Which do you think is important? There are some ayurvedic medicines which carry good taste while many of the formulations carry bitter taste due to the herbal ingredients added. Nature provides us many herbs that do good to our health with a bitter and unpalatable taste. If taste is considered primary in Ayurvedic medicines, we would be left out with a very few herbs to use.

3 Myth Ayurveda heals very slowly ?
Fact  I completely disagree with this.I've seen so many patients taking allopathymedicinesrelentlesslyforailmentslikearthritis,asthma,skindiseases,COPD'S, infertility etc. for years together. Most of these need only a 2 to 4 months course of ayurvedic medicines including body detox that is Panchakarma . Also as much time and allopathic medicines people take before approaching  an ayurvedic consultant ,the longer it takes to cure. Trust in this time tested science, stop thinking it as the last alternative . I do agree that some times active management is required, which includes suppressing symptoms like fever, headache, vomitting and others. But, it would rather name it management and not treatment. Ayurveda tends to treat inside out, so it might seem time consuming at times. But indisputably it gives back, more than you ask for.

4 Myth All Ayurvedic remedies and treatments are harmless ?
Fact Ayurvedic medicines, when taken in the prescribed and correct dosages, are harmless. When the treatments are taken in the wrong dosage or incorrect combination are consumed, problems can occur as a result. For example, the medications using guggulu (commiphoramukul) can trigger acidity, especially if taken on an empty stomach. Therefore, it is advised to consume such treatments only after a meal with milk. As with any medicine, Ayurvedic treatments and drugs should be taken only under the supervision of a qualified Ayurvedic doctor.

5 Myth – Ayurveda is free from side effects ?
Fact Any medicines or treatment will have varied impact depending on how it is prescribed. Any medicine or treatment not prescribed with responsibility or administered by negligence can be harmful. This rule is also applicable to Ayurveda medicine. At the same time negligence by the patient too plays a major part in failure of treatment or medicine. Improper timing and dosage of medicine, incomplete instructions, potency and strength of medicine & age, strength and immunity of the patient, gravity of the disease and prognosis not taken care of properly, all these can prove dangerous and produce side effects of varied proportions. Ayurveda was the first health science to have given an explanation of comprehensive medical or hospital care in terms of ‘Chikitsa Chatushpada’ or 4 limbs of treatment. This includes Bhikshak (doctor), Dravya (medicine), Upastha (nursing staff or caretakers) and Rogi (patient). The coordinated approach of all these 4 limbs and equal effort put by all these forms the basis for effective cure.

6 Myth Fact Ayurvedic medicines increase body heat ?
This is another ridiculous myth surrounding Ayurveda. According to Ayurvedic principles, the body functions are governed and maintained by a balance between cold (Vata and Kapha) and hot (Pitta) factors (elements or humours). When there is a proportional imbalance between these factors, the equilibrium and rhythm of physiology of the body is disturbed which further sets a platform for manifestation of various diseases. Ayurvedic medicines neither increase heat nor cold in the body, nor do they decrease them. Many times the medicines are given to correct the imbalances in heat and cold elements of the body and to restore them back to normal. In due process the temperature variations can take place for a limited time which also indicates recovery of the body from certain ailments. Ex, in an inflammatory disease caused by high Pitta, medicines pacifying pitta also reduce body temperature. The body stats feeling cold and this is intentional. This has to be done in order to protect the body and mind from getting damaged as a result of excessive heat.

7 Ayurvedic medicines have toxic chemicals and heavy metals?
Myth Ayurvedic medicines have toxic chemicals and heavy metals? Fact Ayurvedic medicines are available in the form of Herbal, Mineral or Herbo-Mineral forms. Rasa Shastra or the Indian Metallurgy (Study of Metals and Minerals) was the earliest science belonging to Ayurveda where the other form of Nature i.e. Metals and Minerals were used as medicines either individually or in combination with herbs. At the same time care is taken to purify and sterilize each and every metal or mineral of its impurities and toxins and make them fit for human use. Such elaborate and extensive detoxification of metals, minerals and alloys explained in an era where the modern day scientific devices were absent is highly appreciable. All medicines do not contain metals and the medicines which contain metals are devoid of toxicity due to purificatory measures being conducted over them. Thus the question of toxicity doesn’t arise. Having said so, the debate of quackery is haunting Ayurveda, People not being qualified or authorized are indiscriminately using metals in preparing medicines (so called) and are bringing bad name to this holistic science! Anything which is used with utmost care and precaution will surely not act as a toxin. Ayurveda being a holistic and comprehensive health care system will have no intentions in harming the patient by using crude metals into the medicaments. Ayurveda also tells that nothing in this world exists without having a healing property. Even the poison given with wisdom acts as a medicine and eliminates the disease. The art of prescription is the key. Rasa Shastra has in its belly many life-saving remedies.

8 Myth Too many diet restrictions ?
Myth Ayurvedic medicines have no side effects ? Fact Contrary to the common belief that these medicines have no side effects and can be safely taken over the counter, we should think it over ourselves. How can any medicines be taken without knowing its proposed action, diagnosing the precise underlying cause and deciding the duration of treatment. Myth Too many diet restrictions ? More than criticizing ayurveda for diet restrictions. Should'nt we take a look at our everbusy lives,we hardly care what we dump into our systems while trying to meet our deadlines. The body, our host that gives our souls a chance to live this precious life as human beings, is habitually neglected. We must actually be thankful to ayurvedic doctors who generously guide us with our haywire lifestyle and diet plans, instead of just handing out prescriptions Fact

9 Myth Ayurvedic medicines - Non researched or tested?
 These medicines have been used in our country since ages and the basic principles of ayurveda remain applicable even in today's world. There hasn't been any need to replace or revise molecules as is the course of modern medicines, which become ineffective and need replacements from time to time. This itself proves the fact that these medicines are Timetested Fact


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