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End of World War II-Start of the Cold War

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1 End of World War II-Start of the Cold War

2 Division of Germany Allies decided to not repeat errors of WWI
Divide Germany into 4 occupied sections French, British, American, Soviet Would administer, enforce restrictions Berlin also divided West acted in collaboration Denazification Swastika and other symbols banned

3 Destruction Much of Europe and Asia/Pacific in ruins
Economies of many countries in ruin Needed money to rebuild Where would it come from? Communist U.S.S.R.? Become Communist Capitalist U.S.? Remain capitalist

4 Marshall Plan Plan to rebuild Europe Sent $13 billion to Europe
Name for U.S. Sec. of State (George C. Marshall) Sent $13 billion to Europe Rebuild/revitalize economy Offered to all countries Soviets and allies did not accepted Countries that did became U.S. allies Firmly capitalist

5 Truman Doctrine March 1947 Send money and aid to Greece and Turkey
To prevent them from becoming Communist Wanted to contain the spread of communism Shifts U.S. policy regarding Soviet Union From détente to containment Given as the start of the Cold War

6 President Truman Truman stated the Doctrine: it would be "the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures." U.S. will not allow Communism to spread Basic Cold War Policy

7 Iron Curtain Europe is divided Both afraid of other’s power
Soviet Communist side U.S./Western Capitalist side Both afraid of other’s power U.S. vows to not let Communism spread Soviet Union fears capitalist influence Tensions begin to run high

8 Creation of UN Created to replace League of Nations Charter in 1945
Clearly failed to prevent WWII Charter in 1945 Five permanent members of Security Council U.S., UK, France, U.S.S.R. (Russia), China Created to work through world conflict peacefully Varying degrees of effectiveness Some don’t like (even today)

9 NATO/Warsaw Pact Defense Organization for Western Europe
Opposed to communism/Soviets The first NATO Secretary General Lord Ismay, famously stated the organization's goal was "to keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down" Warsaw Pact Soviet Response to NATO Defensive alliance for Communist nations Controlled by Soviets/Stalin Most nations behind Iron Curtain did not have choice Soviets needed to appear as powerful (numerous) as the West

10 Maps

11 Nuclear Weapons East (Soviets) and West (U.S.) growing rivalry
Nuclear Arms Race East (Soviets) and West (U.S.) growing rivalry Much of next 40 years spent on verge of war U.S. has nuclear weapons Soviets shortly acquire 1949 During Cold War, both sides knew other could end all life on Earth Nuclear Holocaust This threat defined a generation

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