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Meristems PUPIL NOTES.

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Presentation on theme: "Meristems PUPIL NOTES."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meristems PUPIL NOTES

2 By the end of the lesson you will be able to …..
National 4 & 5 outcomes By the end of the lesson you will be able to ….. Describe the different growth patterns between plants and animals.

3 Plants grow differently from us
Animal Growth Animals are capable of growth all over their body Plants grow differently from us

4 Apical = apex = tip Plants only grow at special points called meristems Most plants only grow at the shoots or roots Woody plants also grow wider as they age

5 Meristems Meristems are the sites of production of non-specialised cells in plants and are the sites for mitosis (cell division). They are found in root and shoot tips. These cells have the potential to become other types of plant cell (e.g. xylem or phloem).

6 Region of mitosis (cell division)
Root hairs Region of specialisation Region of elongation Region of mitosis (cell division) MERISTEM Protective root cap Root Tip Shoot Tip

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