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KRISTALLNACHT ''THE NIGHT OF BROKEN GLASS'' NOTE: Want a different image on this slide? Select the picture and delete it. Now click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image.

2 Before the Night of Broken Glass Nazi Point of View
Kristallnacht Before the Night of Broken Glass Nazi Point of View Jewish Point of View  After the Night of Broken Glass

3 Before Kristallnacht

4 Many Jews came from Poland to Germany Jews were kept at border
Before Kristallnacht Many Jews came from Poland to Germany  Jews were kept at border  Not enough food  Herschel Grynszpan's parents were two of those Jews  Wanted to help  Went to German embassy in Paris and killed Ernst Vom Rath

5 Germany had no room and wanted to get rid of the Jews
Timeline Jews came to Germany Germany had no room and wanted to get rid of the Jews Herschel Grynszpan killed German diplomat Ernst Vom  Rath  This sparked an uprising for the Jews and started Kristallnacht 7,500 Jewish-owned shops had their windows shattered The Jews were later murdered or sent to concentration camps

6 Jews point of view

7 How The Jews Saw It 7,500 Jewish owned shops had their windows broken
At least 91 Jews were killed 30,000 Jewish males were arrested Many synagogues, homes, and schools were destroyed


9 Nazi point of view

10 How The Nazis Saw It  Killed close to 100 Jews.  German's didn't want Jews on their land.  This was the start of major Jewish segregation.  The amount of damage they did took six months to clean up.

11 After kristallnacht

12 The Aftermath On November 12, Hermann Goering called a meeting of the top Nazi leadership which included  Goering, Goebbels, Reinhard Heydrich, Walter Funk and other high ranking Nazis. The meeting was to discuss what happened and the changes it could cause to the economy.

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