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Welcome! August 11th, 2016 Friday

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! August 11th, 2016 Friday"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! August 11th, 2016 Friday
Do Now Take a Daily Edit sheet from the front table. Once the bell rings, you will have five minutes to find all ten mistakes in today’s paragraph. Find your seat! If you don’t remember, ask me for your group number. Remember: Do Now's are INDEPENDENT and QUIET exercises. Thank you 

2 Friday August 11th, 2016 To excape the German concentration camps, the Jewish family of Otto Frank went into hiding in During the families two years in hide, 13-year-old anne frank kept a diary. She wrote her last diary entry on August Three days later, police raided the family's hiding place. Anne and her sister were shiped to a concentration camps. Anne died their nine months later. Since that time, Anne's diary has been publish in 30 languages.

3 Taking Notes! Today, we’re going to begin our unit on To Kill a Mockingbird. Before we start reading, I’m going to give you some background knowledge about the characters, the plot, and the historical events surrounding the book. As you listen, I would like for you to take notes. But first, let’s watch a quick video about different types of note-taking!

4 Journal heading At the top of your paper, you need: Your name The date
Class/Block Assignment Title (For today, it’s “TKAM Intro”)

5 To Kill a Mockingbird Intro Prezi!
mockingbird-intro- lecture/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy

6 To Kill a Mockingbird: Research Projects!
Prior to our reading of To Kill a Mockingbird, it is critical that you understand the setting and time period that surrounds the plot in the novel. Below are categories that will allow us to explore this type of information. Based on your knowledge of research skills, we are going to work as a class to learn about the following categories. Directions: Your task is to research one of the following categories on the internet with a partner and create a minute presentation for the class. All presenters must use a Google Slides presentation as a visual aid. You may also want to use props, costumes, food, music, or anything else you may think is helpful in explaining your category. The goal is to get a feeling for what it would have been like to live in the South during the 1930s.

7 To Kill a Mockingbird: Research Projects!
Your presentation must include: At least 6 slides, but no more than 8 At least one image on each slide NON-PLAGIARIZED* information regarding your topic Works cited page with a link to each website used (you must use at least three different sources) *Remember, you are responsible for ensuring that you and your groupmates’ presentation is accurate, thoroughly researched, and academically honest. The rule of thumb is six or more words in the exact same order is considered plagiarism. If you have copied more than six words from a source, find a way to reword it.

8 To Kill a Mockingbird: Research Projects!
Clothing Justice System Music Art, Architecture, and Literature Current Events Medical Discoveries and Disease Trends Cars Food Depression Sports Prejudice Movies And now… let’s draw for topics! Find a partner Write your names on a piece of paper and put it in the box!

9 To Kill a Mockingbird: Research Projects!
For today: Sign into a Chromebook Have on partner create a Google Slides document Share the document with partner’s and with my Begin preliminary research with your partner. Remember, you need at least four different sources (two each)

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