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Finnegan Force: Adventures with Friction

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Presentation on theme: "Finnegan Force: Adventures with Friction"— Presentation transcript:

1 Finnegan Force: Adventures with Friction
By Emily Schmitz

2 There once was a boy named Finnegan Force Who loved to play outside.
He was always seeking adventures With his puppy by his side.

3 Finn loved the seasons; spring, summer and fall,
He enjoyed the beauty of them all. But he spent winter with much hate, For Finn lived in Michigan, one of the snowiest states.

4 He found winter to halt his fun,
Because he disliked the cold and longed for the sun. But one day his mom said with a smile, “Finn, why don’t you play outside for awhile?”

5 Finnegan nodded his head And whistled for his dog Scout.
He was itching to find excitement, So he bundled up and the two headed out.

6 As expected for Michigan weather So Finn took off his gloves
The air was bitter cold As expected for Michigan weather So Finn took off his gloves And rubbed his hands together.

7 The harder he pressed his hands, The warmer they started to be.
Finn didn’t realize why or how He was actually producing heat.

8 Finn decided it was best To investigate this traction
And then he suddenly realized It was none other than friction!

9 Between two things that rub together. It also slows things down
Friction is the force Between two things that rub together. It also slows things down Or stops movement all together.

10 When Finn rubbed his hands together He could very plainly see
That he was converting kinetic energy Of that motion into heat.

11 As Finn and Scout continued They decided it would be good
To look for other cases of friction Around the neighborhood.

12 Stopped at the big red sign And then he began to wonder
Finn watched as a car Stopped at the big red sign And then he began to wonder If friction was evident this time.

13 Cars could not stop or go. When the driver applies the brakes,
Without friction, Cars could not stop or go. When the driver applies the brakes, The wheels start to slow.

14 The friction between the tire surface
And the break pads slow the wheels, While the friction between the wheels And the road slows the car.

15 With two examples of science fun That is a fact, not friction
Finn was satisfied With two examples of science fun That is a fact, not friction (Please pardon the pun!)

16 Finn turned the corner and saw, (After he stopped to think)
That the neighbor’s fishing pond Was now a beautiful skating rink.

17 Finn noticed his friend Miranda Skating with ease and grace
Scout barked in greeting, Bringing a smile to her face.

18 Because the narrow blade of the skate
Ice skating works Because the narrow blade of the skate Causes very high pressure underneath As it supports the skater’s weight.

19 A thin layer of water is created And it lubricates the blade
The skater can glide with little friction Over the ice that had been made.

20 Finn waved goodbye to Miranda, And trudged for home in the snow
He was excited that his day was filled With discoveries he didn’t previously know.

21 Finnegan realized that winter, Without the warmth of the sun,
Still had adventures to offer Including science fun!

22 The End

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