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OSCE March 2012 A&E, PYNEH.

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Presentation on theme: "OSCE March 2012 A&E, PYNEH."— Presentation transcript:

1 OSCE March 2012 A&E, PYNEH

2 Case 1 OSCE A 68 year old gentle man present with low back pain for 4 months. Initially the pain was mechanical which increased pain on moving and later it also occurred at rest.



5 What’s next Physical exam; Investigation: Chest, abdomen and PR
CXR, XR of more region if appropriate Blood test: Ca, CK, PSA

6 Case 2 A 4 year old girl fell from bed with head injury 2 days ago.
There was no loss of consciousness and no vomiting. On physical examination, the girl was actively playing with no neurological deficit.


8 Counseling CT scan Likelihood of neurosurgical intervention (the child is already stable for 2 days) radiation

9 Case 3 A 35 year old manual worker suffered an electric History: PE:
Voltage LOC PE: Extend and depth of burn other exit wound circulation Investigation: CK, ECG

10 Case 4 Anterior or posterior dislocation: need scapular view

11 Hill-Sach lesion

12 Thank you

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