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CYurky Homer-Center US History 8

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1 CYurky Homer-Center US History 8
Colonial Economy CYurky Homer-Center US History 8

2 Middle Colonies

3 Middle Colonies New York Pennsylvania New Jersey Delaware

4 Commercial Agriculture
good, rich soil good growing season navigable rivers grains (oats, corn, rye, barley) “Bread Basket” land available (80% NY land unfarmed)

5 Immigration more than ¼ million immigrants
Old Immigration; Germany; Scots-Irish settled in Middle colonies Offered land, religious and political freedom

6 Growth of Cites London 700K Mexico city 100K Philadelphia 19K

7 Growth of Cites 1740 1760 Philadelphia 19K Boston 16 K New York 14 K
Charleston 8K Newport 7K Marblehead 5K Salem 4K Philadelphia 40K New York 25K Boston 16K

8 American Identity blend cultures blend occupations blend classes
unite to fight Navigation Acts

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