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Do Now What is the difference between a Primary source and a Secondary source? Do you think Geography (where you live) shapes your life? Why or why not?

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now What is the difference between a Primary source and a Secondary source? Do you think Geography (where you live) shapes your life? Why or why not?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now What is the difference between a Primary source and a Secondary source? Do you think Geography (where you live) shapes your life? Why or why not?

2 Agenda Complete our Geography Review. Themes of Geography/Flocabulary.
Vote on our Classroom Prompt.

3 Geography Review 1. List the seven continents.
2. What continent do we live on? 3. In which hemispheres is our continent located? 4. List the world’s major oceans. 5. What country do we live in? 6. What continent is also its own country? 7. What state do we live in? 8. In which region is our state located? 9. What is the capital city of this state? 10. What is the capital city of this country? 11. What ocean is located along the EAST coast of the United States? 12. Draw a compass rose.

4 Geography Review List the seven continents.
North America South America Australia Africa Asia Antarctica Europe 2. What continent do we live on? North America

5 Geography Review 3. In which hemispheres is our continent located?
Northern and Western

6 Geography Review 4. List the world’s major oceans. Atlantic Ocean
Pacific Ocean Indian Ocean Arctic Ocean Southern (Antarctic) Ocean

7 Geography Review 5. What country do we live in?
United States of America 6. What continent is also its own country? Australia

8 Geography Review 7. What state do we live in? Georgia
8. In which region is our state located? Southeast

9 Geography Review 9. What is the capital city of this state? Atlanta
10. What is the capital city of this country? Washington, DC

10 Geography Review 11. What ocean is located along the EAST coast of the United States? Atlantic Ocean 12. Draw a compass rose.

11 Geography is… The study of the earth’s physical and cultural features.
Physical – landforms, such as mountains, rivers, lakes, etc. Cultural – language, religion, entertainment, etc.

12 Geography helps us understand the world!

13 It’s all about LOCATION!
Where you live, shapes who you are!

14 5 Themes of Geography Movement Regions Human-Environment Interaction Location Place

15 How are people, goods, ideas moved from place to place?
MOVEMENT How are people, goods, ideas moved from place to place? Human Movement Vehicles, Trains, Planes Boats Information Movement Phones, Internet, mail Idea Movement How do fads move from place to place? TV, Radio, Magazines, Internet (YouTube)

16 Think cardinal and intermediate directions! (N, S,E,W, NE, NW, SE, SW)
REGIONS A region is an area of Earth’s surface with one or more shared characteristics. Think cardinal and intermediate directions! (N, S,E,W, NE, NW, SE, SW)

How do humans and the environment affect each other? We depend on it. We modify it. We adapt to it.

18 Absolute Location Relative Location LOCATION Where are we?
A latitude and longitude (global location) or a street address (local location). Relative Location Described by landmarks, time, direction or distance from one place to another. You are Here

19 What is it like there, what kind of place is it?
Physical Characteristics Landforms (mountains, rivers, etc.), climate, vegetation, wildlife, soil, etc. Human Characteristics Languages, customs, and beliefs. Where people live, work, and visit a place.

20 If you can’t remember what they are just ask MR. HELP!!!
M – Movement R – Regions HE – Human Environment interaction L – Location P - Place

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