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The Soviet Union: Totalitarian State

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1 The Soviet Union: Totalitarian State
How does Lenin maintain control and how does Stalin gain power?

2 Lenin Maintains Power After renaming the country the USSR (Soviet Union), Lenin attempts to fix Russia’s terrible economy Although Lenin favored complete communism he must keep some forms of capitalism to help Russia’s economy Lenin’s plan is called the New Economic Plan (NEP) In this system the state will control major industries, while smaller business will remain privately owned Government will now buy food from farmers & sell it to the Russian people for a low price Lenin’s party (renamed Communists) will have total control of Russia Lenin maintains control using the Cheka (secret police) Cheka uses terror tactics against the enemies of Lenin In 1922, Lenin suffers a stroke and becomes very ill His right hand man, Leon Trotsky thinks he will now be in charge

3 Joseph Stalin also wanted to take power after Lenin’s death
The Rise of Stalin Joseph Stalin also wanted to take power after Lenin’s death Stalin was the communist party secretary and he uses his connections to influence people that he is the right man for the job Before his death, Lenin privately told people that Stalin was a dangerous man that should not be trusted Stalin keeps that info from becoming public and makes it appear that he and Lenin were very close Stalin wins the battle and has Trotsky exiled Stalin uses Cheka to maintain control Good Bye Trotsky! Soviet citizens live in a police state People could be thrown in jail or exiled if they went against Stalin Trotsky VS. Stalin

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